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so angry!!!!!

Louise G

Warren Scout
Just found out my cousins Netherland dwarf was attacked by a cat tuesday evening. He was apparently fitting when they put him back in his hutch and the next day then died. This is the second rabbit they have had that this happened to. The rabbits friend, another netherland dwarf died a month ago because he was 'lying on his side and had goo coming out of him'. Now my aunty is talking about getting some chickens to put in his (3ft hutch!!!!) Im so mad they never learn or took him to the vets they should be banned from having animals. They had a rabbit which kept coming to play in their garden (black and whits so clearly someones pet) and it wouldnt leave so my uncle put it in a box, drove miles and dumped him in afield. They also had a sooty fawn mini lop doe and when she grew up my aunty said shes ugly now and miraculously she 'escaped' I hate her shes such a witch! Sorry rant over :cry:
Unfortunately some people are just plain stupid and will continue to be forever. I had similar issues with a family member and their bunny. She used to boast she only had to clean it out every two weeks :roll: I would usually make a comment about being able to smell it from the bottom of their driveway when I came to visit.

One day she told us that a lump had 'just appeared' on the rabbits chin and she couldn't (more couldn't be bothered) to take it to the PDSA. I just took matters into my own hands and I went round and picked the little guy up, took him to my vets and let them have a look at him. He had a really horrible jaw abcess that was starting to ulcerate on the skin. Poor little guy must have been suffering for a long time with it therefore he was put to sleep so he couldn't be in any pain anymore.

The family member is on about getting another rabbit when they get a job :roll: But hopefully they won't get anything, anytime soon. Would you believe its been 6 months since I took that rabbit and the hutch still hasn't been cleaned out? And they want to put another rabbit in there! It's just a pity I have to keep my trap shut much of the time and have to leave it to mum to say something as she can do it in a better way than I can.

Helen xx
Christ! :shock:

Both those stories would make me make a report to the RSPCA. Not to get a sick pet medical attention when needed is a criminal offence. How awful :cry:
aww thats awful. Its so annoying I wish people had to do a test or something to keep animals. Its annoying that anyone can get one. If people did the same to children as they do to animals they would be prosecuted:?
Christ! :shock:

Both those stories would make me make a report to the RSPCA. Not to get a sick pet medical attention when needed is a criminal offence. How awful :cry:

yeah me too & if my mom didnt make things change - I would have to say something myself - though I know it does depend on your age - though sometimes it shouldnt - its hard if you have to reprimand an adult thats older than yourself. I would be furious if a relative did that & would be saying something for sure -in fact Id say that to anyone who harmed an animal or neglected it. :evil:i do feel for you for sure - well done for taking that last bunny - be sure to just take action again if they insist on getting another animal if its not cared for.:)

i would go round & take that hutch away - its obviously just not suitable - perhaps if there was no accomadation they would not bother with getting another animal to harm?

Fireworks night is coming up...everyone goes out - !:lol: