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Warren Scout

My 8 year old Nethie has been breathing as if his nose is blocked for a few days (intermitently) so I took him to the vet on Tuesday. Of course on as the vet he was breathing fine. Vet checked heart, tummy/bowels, teeth, watched him breathe and couldn't tell me anything specific. He did say it could be snuffles and has given my antibiotics for him.

Tonight my big girl bun sneezed 3 times and then seemed to be sick; but whatever came out, has obviously come out her nose. She had raggy breathing for a couple of minutes but has now cleaned herself up and has had a wee go at cleaning Bo (she doesn't seem to want to be picked up).

I have called the emergency vet and they have said that I can take her up to be checked out but that I can also just keep an eye on her and make sure they are eating and drinking ok.

One of the things the vet said on Tuesday was that Bojangles seemed lively enough - and he is, he is jumping around, eating and drinking and apart from breathing you would think he was in perfect health.

They are indoor bunnies - is snuffles normal with indoor buns?

As long as Bluebelle seems to settle down, can anyone tell me if they think it will be ok to take her to the vet in the morning.

None of my buns have ever had snuffles before so I'm unsure what to do.

Since I first posted Bluebelle was taken to the vet and also given Baytril. A week later they both returned for a check up, by then Bluebelle hadn't had another episode of sneezing and the vet was happy to say she is ok just now but warned that she may experience a build up and sneeze it all out again in the future. When he looked at Bojangles he said his teeth were really bad (yet week before had said they were fine). He didn't want to keep him on antibiotics as he said it could upset the balance in his tummy. He doesn't want to operate on his teeth just now due to Bojangle's age and has said that with teeth problems he may be prone to other things. Bojangle's breathing isn't any better and to be honest I feel like I'm waiting for the inevitable to happen. He seems ok, is eating and going to toilet fine. Was wondering if anyone had use a menthol vaporiser or menthol in hot water close by to a bun with bad breathing to see if that eases it.
The symptoms you describe sound like snuffles.

Vets normally start them off with Baytril (as its one drug that is licenced for rabbits) but is not always effective for snuffles, and generally needs to be a long course to be effective (3 weeks plus). Engemycin tends to be more effective.
Often they will be prescribed Metacam to reduce inflammation, Zantac to protect their tum, Bisolvin to thin their mucus......

If your rabbit is still sounding noisy, or appears to be lethargic or sneezing then I'd persue with the vets.Bojangles sounds like he needs a good course of antibiotics etc to get him feeling better. At 8yrs old the vet should be doing more for him to help him cope, and not write him off.
Are there any other vets you could try in your area that are a bit more rabbit savvy?
A lot of rabbits with snuffles cope well with a long term maintenance programme of drugs to keep the bugs under control.
I don't know of any rabbit savvy vets close by. I did move vet when I moved house but moved back as wasn't happy after Bojangles needed his first dental and he wasn't prescribed any painkillers.

If he didn't have this hard breathing you wouldn't think anything was wrong with him. He is as lively as normal and as said previously eating and doing the toilet fine.

The vet said he didn't want to operate on his teeth again until basically Bo wouldn't survive without the op but said I really just need to keep an eye on breathing.

I've now put some olbas oil on a tissue on top of their cage.

I have heard that the vets at the Royal School of Vet Studies is good but it's about 30 mins away. Do you think that length of journey would be ok?

I don't want to put him through too much as he is 8 and a half but I also don't want to give him no chance at all.
I get the impression from what you've said so far that you think the vet has given up on him because of his age?

We have a number of elderly rabbits in the sanctuary that need dental work regularly, and the decision to have treatment is made on their quality of life, their general health etc, rather than just on age.

Bojangles sounds like he still has a lust for life, and could probably benefit from seeing a vet that will ensure his symptoms (snuffles?) are treated correctly, and give you a fair assesment on whether he could mange a GA for his dental.

My nethie is also 8 and suffers snuffles from time to time. He's showing signs of old age, but I'dbe gutted if the vet gave up on him because he's elderly.
Yeah, he has had 2 dentals now abd the last one was with the same vet in Feb this year. At that time Bojangles was very poorly, wasn't eating, his head was shaking and back legs weren't great. At that point the vet seemed great and said if he didn't have the dental he wouldn't last any time at all. He recovered very quickly and has been fine until the breathing.

I was shocked when he told me his teeth were really bad again as he said the week before they were fine. The vet said due to his age he wouldn't want to give him a GA until there was no other option, even although by then he may be more poorly.

I'm going to phone the Vet School tomorrow but I think he may need to be referred by my vet.

I get the feeling that my vet thinks Bojangles is 'just' a rabbit and maybe not worth the same to someone as a cat or dog.

Hopefully I can get some better advice on both the snuffles and his teeth.
I hope you have some joy with the different vets.

It seems strange that your vet wouldn't be keen to treat his current symptoms, to ensure he is fit and healthy in case he needs another dental soon.

I think you may be right and he considers Bojangles to be "just" a rabbit:cry:

Keep us posted.
Pepe is nearly 6 yrs old & he as always had snuffles :( Him & his brother have to have their teeth done nearly every 2 months. The last time I took Pepe to the vets, she said his teeth needed doing asap, but to wait until the baytril had worked & his snuffles had gone. Three weeks later I took him in & he had been knocked out & they did his teeth. When I went to collect him the nurse said that his teeth wasn't bad at all :?
Your bun needs to be on the Baytril for a few weeks really for it to work. A week on it won't really do the trick. When you get the discharge coming out of the nose, then they really do need to be on Baytril for around 3 weeks for it to clear up or it will just come back on. I have been where you are now with Pepe. He stops eating & stays still when it starts up again. I can told just before it ready to start again just by his eyes. They go smaller & dull. As soon as the weather changes or a trip to the vets or anything different, Pepe starts with the snuffles bless him. You can't affort for it to get to far. I have a friend who as lost 3 buns to snuffles :( It is a horrible illness.
I hope you find a good vet, they are like gold dust to find. Most want to see you back in a few days & then a week & it goes on.
I know you must be worried sick & my heart goes out to you. Good luck & I really hope your bun gets well very soon xx