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grass snakes are harmless,that horrible smell is their defense mechanism,it smells a bit like burned rubber
definitely released towards the Braintree/Witham area and not the Maldon area! also been told that they don't have 'families' so not affecting other sankes....

trust Rascal to love playing with it!!:lol::love:

has anyone seen a snake that big!!!

Hiya yeah my oh keeps large snakes as pets!


He is a albino burmese python called rudolph!!
Oh by the way Swalk where abouts in Maldon are you? Im in Heybridge.
I'm jealous. I love snakes. I had them as pets before we moved to the UK. I walk in the woods/field alot and have not seen one since we've been here:( The smelly bit is a defense mechanism. You have a proper guard bunny! Scared the $%#@ out of the snake:lol:
If you find any more, they can come and live in my garden:)

I love snakes too so long as I know they can't harm me. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at identifying native snakes.
Hiya yeah my oh keeps large snakes as pets!


He is a albino burmese python called rudolph!!
Oh by the way Swalk where abouts in Maldon are you? Im in Heybridge.


I love these guys, I just can't feed them:( I'm a hypocrit, I know. I can feed f/t mice, just nothing larger or alive.
WOW that is impressive, we use to catch them in the woods when i was younger, we also had them for pets for yrs i don't anymore but my brother does ;) thats a corker of a python, my brother had one of them but it kept going after things it shouldn't so he had to get rid :cry:
He's pretty placid really (believe it or not) he doesnt eat anything larger than rats ( which i know some people will find bad enough ). Took me a little while to get used to him! Still prefer my bunnies tho!! :love:
We didnt name him, my oh got him off a friend who had to get rid of all his animals as he was moving. :)
I used to work at a place where they had several pythons etc.Clifford McSqueeze was a boa...him and his wife had babies...There was also an albino python like above called Homer.....we had to go in with other staff to hold him....each person a certain square foot for h/s reasons....
I loved the corn snakes best though.So cute!!