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Shaking Rabbit


Warren Scout
Hi all,

We've just been out to check on our bunnies, and one of them is shaking, it's like she's shivering.
We got her indoors at the moment to see. She's got quite a large hutch, and she's recently lost her companion, so has been looking very sad.

Any idea's why she would be shaking? is it worth a trip to the vets?
Hi, I had this with Billy, one of my rabbits before Christmas and he also has it again today so will be going back to the vets with him again.:( Is your rabbit eating and drinking? Billy wasnt and also did this shaking thing so I took him to the vets and she thought it could possibly be e-cunniculi. She gave him an antibiotic injection and a gut stimulant and I also gave him a course of panancur. Definately take your rabbit to the vet if she doesnt seem herself and especially if she isnt eating/drinking. Hope she gets better soon

She has been eating and drinking fine. She's been inside for about 45 mins now, and seems to be okay, binkying around the living room, jumping from the sofa to the floor running about, and jumping back onto the sofa.

Due to the illness that Sparky had before xmas it was related to E-Cunniculi, so she finished her dose of panacur on xmas day.

I've just been outside and cleaning the hutch out completely, and sprayed it to (rabbit safe) disinfectant just incase.

Since she's been on her own though, she's decided not to wee in the 'weepot' but all over the floor instead, so we seem to clean her out twice a day at the moment. Although she is now starting to wee back in the 'weepot'

I think we'll see how she is tonight as she seems back to normal at the moment, but just keep a close eye on her, and see how she is tomorrow.
Be careful bringing her in and out. Changes in temp like that can send bunnies into shock and even kill them. It is blimmin' freezing out there, perhaps she is too cold specially now she doesn't have her partner. I am not sure what is best - to leave her inside now or to put her out again before she acclimatises too much to the heat. Hopefully someone will be along shortly with suggestions!

Do take her to the vet to rule out anything else as well.