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Research into plants for bunnies - help needed


Warren Scout
Hi, I'm currently trying to research the plants that rabbits can eat, and plants that are toxic to them. I am especially interested in any plants that people feed to their rabbits in certain situations for example bramble leaves to help soothe the digestive tract.

I have looked at many of the common websites, and some of the common books, but the information is often different between the sites, so I'm trying to compile a more accurate list of edible and toxic plants and plant treatments for different ailments.

Does anyone know if any research has ever been done in this area, and if so what?

Can anyone suggest any plants they give to their rabbits to treat certain illnesses?

Also has anyone noticed that their rabbits choose to eat certain foods if they are ill?


All I can think of relating to this is that my houserabbit would only take fresh Parsley and water on his first day home when he was recovering from an operation- don't know if it was because he thought Parsley would help him or simply that it was the only thing that would tempt him to eat at the time.