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Post op diarrhea - Help/Advice needed


Warren Scout
Paddy had his neutering yesterday and was fine, eating moving around and pooping however today, although he seems to be eating fine and is his usual self, he has they most smelly diarrhea ever! I'm not sure whether this is post-op diarrhea or more due to the fact that I was over eager giving him his fav's yesterday to make sure he ate and he ended up having a third of a banana, half a carrot in the vets and a handful of shredded spring greens were as he only normally has one portion of veg. I havnt got any rasperry/strawberry leaves which I know are good for diarrhea and have tried everywere to get them today, is there anything else I can do?
Charl x
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I know what you mean, my bun was the same the day after his op but he was fine the following day. Just make sure Paddy is clean as your don't want to attract any flies. We also cut back on the veg for a day until he was OK again.
Paddy is inside for the next few days which should prevent fly strike. Just checked on him and he has no poopy bum or feet and his poops are now normal - how random!
Hay Tea

When a rabbit undergoes surgery their gut shuts down for a while during surgery which is why it is always a good idea to feed a prebiotic/probiotic complex like Protexin afterwards.

A traditional Dutch remedy for scouring is hay tea. Just put a handful of hay in a cup or jug and pour boiling water over it. Once cooled, add to the water bottle.

Plantain herb is to be found in many gardens and is used as a first aid remedy for rabbit diarrhoea in Germany.

If you can find it, Shepherd's Purse is also good to feed for its astringent properties.

Your local health food shop probably stocks Raspberry leaf teabags and you can either use the tea or open up the bag and feed the leaf that way.

There's plenty of information on herbs which are good to feed to rabbits on the herb pages at my Galens Garden site. http://www.galensgarden.co.uk/herbs/index.php