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Poor Major Tom....U/D Tuesday-He Remains 'Stable'

So sorry Jane, you do everything you can and give all the love you have, for Major Tom, and he will know that if that decision time comes very soon, it will be a real sacrifice and act of love on your part. Big hugs to you xxx
Sending mega positive vibes for Major Tom. I do hope he fights that little bit more for all the love you have given him. Sometimes its so very hard to be an animal mummy and to be the animal. Thinking of you both.
awwwww Jane I am so sorry thinking of you both hope the outcome is good but if not your decision will be the right one :)
The Major is managing to eat a bit more mushy pellets. As you can see from the piccie he is pooing a bit too


He is sleeping alot more now. We will just take things one day at a time.

Jane, I am so sorry for you and Major Tom! I had the same experience with my last bunny Harleigh. He kept getting huge absesses on his face, and it was so heartbreaking. I hope that Major is doing better, and that you dont have to make any decisions.

Thinking of you.
