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Please Send Lots of Vibes for Tree's Zippy-U/D 5th Dec Pics Added Post 67

Awwww thanks and Jane you're so considerate :love:

Well she's ok, the abscess is looking loads bigger, I am hoping it will pop on the outside rather than inside, but she gets it done tomorrow anyway. He eyes are very sore, but I think the soreness is from where we're bathing then, rather than the actual gunk itself. I am looking forward to her having the xrays as we will have a better idea of what's going on, but I am scared too, in case it comes out with real bad news. I am trying to remain positive today, yesterday I was in total bits and I had spent the night before having nightmares about her dying so I was seriously tired and worked up.

Last night was quite funny though, I have her and Scooby in at the minute (can't bring the lads in with them as they're naughty), in the night last night I could hear some crashing about and I thought oh eck she's dying, rushed up and they were breaking into Ste's room (they're a bit obsessed with Ste) they were proper charging at his door until it opened :lol:. I couldn't clean her eyes before work as they had disappeared in with Ste, but stuck my head around the door and could see them and all was fine, didn't want to go proper in though as Ste was naked :oops:. He will do them first thing :lol:

That man is such a womaniser :shock: At least she can get some tlc from uncle ste today :lol: I hope you get the good results you need for her.
Me and my Buns are keeping everything crossed for Zippy today Tree.
I know you are going to be so worried about her.

Thanks you, she is in today.

I hope to be getting my new PC this morning so with a bit of luck I'll be able to check on here for updates on Zippy later. Unless of course I manage to blow myself up instaling the flippin' thing :rolleyes:

In the meantime zillions more vibes for Zippy :love:
Heaps of vibes for Zippy today ~*~*~*~*~ Hope all goes well and you hear good news asap!
Well kind of good news, from what they could see the xrays are ok, although she kept moving around for them. He doesn't think there is a abscess in her head and if there was there wouldn't be a lot they could do because drilling into her skull would kill her. He thinks everything has come from one of her back teeth.

The abscess on her head has been done, he said he had never seen puss like it, he saide it was like a giant slug and I am going to have to keep putting pethidine (sp?) in it to clean it out. He wants her to remain on the ceporex for the time being, but has changed her eye drops to a penicillin drop/cream, which is has organised for me to pick up from a farm vets (it's not for rabbits apparently). I have to go over to penkridge tonight to get her new drops. He said she is a very lively rabbit, I don't think she has been a good patient today :lol:

He said she stands a chance if we can get the infection under control :D
Flippin eck Tree, I've only just seen this thread! Sounds like Zippy is fighting well, and with your help, she will surprise everyone again! :D

*crosses everything for Zippy*
Well kind of good news, from what they could see the xrays are ok, although she kept moving around for them. He doesn't think there is a abscess in her head and if there was there wouldn't be a lot they could do because drilling into her skull would kill her. He thinks everything has come from one of her back teeth.

The abscess on her head has been done, he said he had never seen puss like it, he saide it was like a giant slug and I am going to have to keep putting pethidine (sp?) in it to clean it out. He wants her to remain on the ceporex for the time being, but has changed her eye drops to a penicillin drop/cream, which is has organised for me to pick up from a farm vets (it's not for rabbits apparently). I have to go over to penkridge tonight to get her new drops. He said she is a very lively rabbit, I don't think she has been a good patient today :lol:

He said she stands a chance if we can get the infection under control :D

That is far more optomistic than I have been imagining !! I know she's not out of the woods but by the sound of it she has no intention of giving up yet.

I hope the Vet recovers from another encounter with Zips........:shock:

He said as long as the infection can be got under control, he thinks she will be ok, it's just fighting the infection. I said can I pick up the drops on Saturday and he said no it needs to be today, ah eck going to have to sneak out work early as well as come in late :oops::oops:, I had prepared myself for the worse, as the other vet I had seen has been wanting me to put her to sleep (she does look very poorly, but she is not acting poorly), but Doug did her today and although he said she is bad, it's just an extremely bad infection that if we can get under control she should be ok :love:
Fantastic news Tree. Its great when you know what you are dealing with. Wishing her a speedy recoveryxx
Im so glad that you have some positive news Tree.It sounds like Zippy was puting up quite a fight and has no intention of going any where at the moment.Sending mega infection killing prayers for beautiful Zippy.