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Pictures of you with your bunnies!

I must say that RU not only has the prettiest bunnies but the owners are all attractive too, but then u all give supportive and nice comments, so i guess your inner beauties is reflected in your outer beauty. Ill shut up now :roll:

Awww thats a lovely thing to say! xx
I think this is one of the only ones I have of me and a bunny, except of course for all the ones of me in my PJ's with Timmy :lol:


Just found this one two :love:


Awwwhhh! Dave's wibbly wobbly head! :lol::love:

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you, Liz! I'm not sure how I imagined you to look, but I didn't think you'd look like you do! :oops::lol:

I think I thought you'd look really worn out and old from all the bunny related stress (I say the nicest things don't I?! :p) but you don't at all. :D:wave:
N'awww lovely pics, I have none, maybbe one from ages ago but I don't do pics unless horses...thats just about getawayable :lol:
Vin escaping :lol:

Having a snuggle

I don't have any of me and Velvet yet - she dosen't sit still long enough :lol:
Me and Belle the first day we got her

Me and a young dumps...

Me and Little bun

Ad and Stew

Haven't got any of me and Luc or me and the new girl yet :love:
Awwwhhh! Dave's wibbly wobbly head! :lol::love:

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you, Liz! I'm not sure how I imagined you to look, but I didn't think you'd look like you do! :oops::lol:

I think I thought you'd look really worn out and old from all the bunny related stress (I say the nicest things don't I?! :p) but you don't at all. :D:wave:

I have a picture of me and Elwood taken a few weeks back, and I look exactly like that which is why I didn;t post it :lol:
I only have one awful one with with no makeup on!! :lol:


oh actually i have this one too.... another awful one of me!