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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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parlyzed bunny,U/D bunny has passed away today, U/D Bunny cremation.

i have just been too see bunny and its not good. his head is back down and cant be held up. this is the second day of drip, the vet said they usually on for 2 days only and then euthansia is considered. can anyone offer advice of how long i should allow them to continue? when is the point to stop treatment?
Sunnibunny, I am sorry there has been no change in bunny. :(
I have no experience of paralysis in rabbits so can't even imagine what bunny and u are going through.
As for how long to continue, I think only you will know that.
I fought to keep George alive even though i was told to pts but his illness was different.

Do u think he is hanging on in there to keep trying for another few days?
Give his body a little bit longer with the meds? Like lea-Anne's post?

I know it's really hard and very distressing, but try hang on in there. Your doing everything u can for him and he's in the best place.
I will certainly be praying for Bunny tonight.
I really really hope there is better news tomorrow.
Have you got family/friends who can support you through this?
How is your other wee rabbit?
the thing is with paralysis, is that they seem to be fully lucid when it happens and so when i was seeing him today at the vets all lied out on the table and his head lied down too, he still licked his paws. so i told the vets to continue to tomorrow, and then see what happens. i want to give him the best chance possible to recover, but also dont want him to suffer as his quality of life is not great in such a floppy state.
my other rabbit leah who lives next door to bunny, is completely fine. she shows no signs of any illness.
unfortunately this is all bad timing as today my family left to go on holiday for a week. so im quite alone, but have friends to talk to thankfully still. its just so weird, everytime i come up to the pen, i expect bunny to rush out and greet me, but he doesnt. its going to get some getting used to. i just really am praying and hoping, fingers crossed and having faith that there will be a change, as im dreading to be the one to put an end to it. just so horrifying this ordeal, and just want him healthy.
I would PM Hugo's There and ask for her to look at the thread and give you any advice she can.

She runs a sanctuary and deals with a lot of disabled and terminally ill buns, so she will likely have some advice that many of us, for lack of experience, cannot give.

I hope your bun improves.
I have only just seen this and haven't managed to read it all as I'm off to bed now, but has your vet considered Floppy Rabbit Syndrome? I noticed that it has been mentined earlier with a link to Jack's Jane's thread.

I have nursed a rabbit through FRS, she was completely paralysed from the neck down. It came on suddenly with no known cause or reason. The bunny started to show a small improvement after about 3 days, but it took a week before full use of body and legs came back. She recovered fully, but it was gradual. I just had to feed her, keep her hydrated and keep her bottom clean/dry.

FRS is very distressing to see, but bunnies can recover from it. I just wanted to mention it, just in case your vet hasn't considered it. It would be awful for them to opt for pts, if all she needs is a little more time.

Thinking of you and your bunny. I hope you see some improvement very soon. xx
nessar, thank you for your suggestion. i shall get on it.

tracy, thank you so much for your encouraging words. my vet has considered floppy rabbit syndrome, but there is nothing else they can do for him than that they are already doing for him. floppy rabbit syndrome can be caused by a number of things, (e. cuniculi, vitamin E deficieny, potassium deficiency, muscular problem, stroke, neurological problem) and my vet has done the best treatment that he can. the fluids deal with the nutrient deficiency, panacur to deal with e.cuniculi, and baytril too, as well as keeping his temp up. but sometimes the condition is idiopathic (an unknown cause) and this seems to be the case.

however hearing that it took more than 2-3 days for you gives me hope and not to give in. today was the third day, so im hoping there will be some improvement tomorrow really. please everyone cross fingers, pray and hope and have faith in my little guy. i really need it, i miss him so much and love and adore him. he is really my world. btw the picture of the black rabbit by my screename is my little guy in question who is ill and is talking to a toy rabbit! :) so you know who im talking about.
today there has been a slight improvement with bunny this morning. he is starting to partially eat by himself as he tood a dandelion apparently the vets said. and he is starting to poo by himself too. although he is still completely flopped including his head, there is definite a slight improvement. he is still not out of the woods yet but thankfully there has been progress in the right direction rather than none at all or worse. so im really glad of it. keep your prayers and fingers crossed everyone please, as i know it really does help for my little guy. next update is in the evening today. so will let you know what vet says then too. xxxx
Come on fella keep fighting for ya mummy don't give up on him sunny he's fighting back for ya bless him x
Hi there I have no experience in this. But I wanted to wish your lil bun a safe return home. And I hope he makes an amazing recovery!:) he sounds like a much loved bunny!:) my buns and I will be thinking of you both! X
He looks a lovely little thing. Hope it's just a matter of time before he makes a complete recovery. Hoping the next update is even better.
Brilliant news!
Sounds like that's an improvement and def something positive to focus on.
I am really pleased for you and Bunny.
Paws crossed all round in my house for more improvement. :)
My bun Oxo suffers from e-cuniculi. The first time he had it paralysis of back legs he was on Metacam and Panacure for 28 days and it took a few days before there was ant improvement. He then recovered and was left with only a slightly disabled back leg. He has had an attack recently but this time Panacure and Metacam did not work. So took him to the vets for steroid injections. He has now had two and is responding well. I was told that Metacam should not be given while the bun was on steroids.

Good luck to your little one.
I would PM Hugo's There and ask for her to look at the thread and give you any advice she can.

She runs a sanctuary and deals with a lot of disabled and terminally ill buns, so she will likely have some advice that many of us, for lack of experience, cannot give.

I hope your bun improves.

I have replied as best I could but unfortunately don't feel i Have been a lot of use:oops:
today i rang up vets, and there has been more slight improvement. he can support his own head apparently up, and although he is still paralyzed apparently there is some movement in both his hind legs and front legs. he is also now off the drip and talking fluids by syringe instead. he also eats when he has food in front of him and is happily eating leafy greens rather than force fed by syringe. he also looks brighter and more alert, and holding steady a normal temeperature which is good news as it was so low before. he is still on all the medication of fluids, panacur and baytril. so definite improvement again from yesterday but still deep in the woods although at least making more progress in the right direction. as its the weekend they dont have a lot of people checking the animals at the vets out of office hours. but they do check at 6pm tonight, so will get another update again then, plus only once in morning and evening on the sunday they check the animals, so will get updates then too. i did mention to the nurse today on the phone to give bunny banana or tomato juice, as its high in potassium, and she said she will pass it on to vets, so who knows if they will do it, but will ask again at 6pm. thank you all for your advice, love, hope, vibes, hugs, crossed fingers, prayers and faith in this dark time for me, please continue to do so, as it must be helping since there is improvement in bunny. long way to go still if he makes it, which i hope he does.
Awww That's really good news sounds like your little fella is fighting his hardest for you sending loads a get even better vibes over to you both x
Really pleased to hear that Bunny is improving.

Sending loads more vibes. xxx

Keep fighting little lad. :wave: