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Otis has gone :( U/D PM results

Was Otis bonded with Piglet ?


aww hunny dont be too hard on your self im so sorry you have lost them both
because you lost one and the other went soon after it could have been heartbreak i have had a bunny die just because his hubby died captain barbosa out lived 3 hubbys and when dalek sec died his last hubby he just followed on he just gave up and followed a couple of hours later he sat with dalek for about 30 minutes and when i took him away ready to burry him captain barbosa just laid down and refused to get up he must have decided it was time he was a 11 year old mini lop and the loss of dalek sec was just too much for him and he died in my arms later on i didnt leave his side he and dalek were always together and he was just devistated :cry:
he was burried with dalek in the same spot in the garden his other 3 husbands are burried so they are all together
please dont blame your self hunny
thinking of you and sending you big {{hugs}}
I'm sure its nothing you've done it's just awfully bad luck. I can't imagine how you must be feeling it's just such a cruel thing to have happened. Big hugs for you and binky free little Otis, reunited with Piglet xxx
How awful. Binky free Otis and Piglet.

I hope the PM gives you some answers. Bunnies can be so fragile and no matter how well we care for them sometimes awful things happen. You sound like a brilliant Bunny Mummy but I know it's hard not to blame yourself. I do it when a fur child goes to the Bridge.
How horrific, I'm so, so sorry that you're going through this. What a complete nightmare. I hope that a PM gives you some understanding of what has gone on.

Thinking of you all.
Oh good grief this is absolutely dreadful. I couldn't believe it when I saw the thread! You must be absolutely devastated! I'm truely sorry for all this heartache you are going through! Big ((((hugs)))) Binky free Otis x
I'm so, so sorry - couldn't believe it when I saw this thread. :shock::cry::cry: Sending you big hugs. Hope the PM at least gives you some answers. xx
oh hunni, im so sorry. i cant imagine what you're going through but please dont think it was anything you have done. sometimes life is just very very cruel :( xxx
Thank you all. My vet isn't in until tuesday so another vet is going to do the PM, she's going to ring later. Kicking myself for not having one done for Piglet, I couldn't bear the thought of it at the time though :cry:
Thank you all. My vet isn't in until tuesday so another vet is going to do the PM, she's going to ring later. Kicking myself for not having one done for Piglet, I couldn't bear the thought of it at the time though :cry:

I can't think it would have made much difference. *If* it was anything that was going to affect Otis then I doubt you would have had time to do anything about it. (That's just a gut feeling not based on any knowledge). I hope you get some reassurance/closure from the findings.
I can't think it would have made much difference. *If* it was anything that was going to affect Otis then I doubt you would have had time to do anything about it. (That's just a gut feeling not based on any knowledge). I hope you get some reassurance/closure from the findings.

Yes I think you're right, it was only a couple of days apart so probably wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway :(