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Not using her litter tray.


Alpha Buck
Not really a care issue as such but I've put it here just in case it helps anyone.

A little while ago candy who is litter trained and will even come down stairs to use her tray suddenly stopped using it for no good reason then after a week or so went back to using it.

Tonight I think I may have found the answer.

I cleaned her litter tray tonight and as she'd had cabbage this morning for a treat her wee was rather smelly so I used a disinfectant by beaphar that is designed for bunnys, not used this for a little while as normally a good wash with soap and water will do the trick.

Candy wont go near her tray and is back to pooping and weeing on the floor. I've come to the conclusion that its the disinfectant that she dislikes.

A few new litter tray tomorrow i think so the smelly ones can go outside for a couple of days rather than disinfecting them.

Rabbits can be soooo fussy :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol:
My Nala (or at least im pretty sure its her) :wink: Has started weeing on the blankets and flooring or beside the litter trays. Ive tried removing all the wee/poo as soon as i can but she still wees on the floor. Ive moved hay into her tray, removed the cat litter which she didnt like much and it sort of worked but some days she still refuses to use the tray and just wees on the floor next to it.. also just found a puddle of wee outside the crate the other side of the door to the litter tray :roll: im lost for ideas as to how to make her get tidy again. I dont use disinfectant stuff in the litter trays so that it still smell of them, but i do often spray the floor of the cage and obviously wash the blankets when she's weed on them. Maybe this is the problem?
I just convert to vinyl, you know the ones they use at the office, about 2 ft. wide, and many ft. long. I just put a large piece of vinyl there at her usual spot, and use towel to clean the urine right after. Work very nicely.

The problem w/ the tray, and I notice most of my past & current bunnies stop using it after a while, is that the urine loop back to their feet, and their feet soak w/ urine, and they don't like it. So they know the tray is not good. As they have to lick the urine off their feet. And I don't like any rabbit licking urine.