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nipping, how can I stop it?


Alpha Buck
Sophie is adorable and affectionate but she has developed a habit of nipping us. It does quite hurt!! she doesn't growl or anything and it isn't a proper full on bite, I think it is for attention but not sure. I noticed her doing it to the children when they were watching telly and they were engrossed and not paying her any attention.

When I fuss and pet her she is fine, but when I stop she nips me!! I say "no Sophie" and don't pet her when she does this but is there anything else I can do?
if my buns nip me I usually squeal quite loudly (so they know they hurt me). Say "NO" very firmly and if they were on my lap for treats or similar remove them to the floor/put them back in their cage/some sort of punishment they will understand. When she's good and doesn't nip reward with treats and praise. She also might be getting a bit hormonal so if she is not neutered and is 4m plus it might be worth getting that done.