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New Bunny Owner - Opinions needed on Hutch

I wasn't going to critisise it at all I was actually just going to suggest instead of decking would it be possible to turf it for them, it would look really nice aswell, if you can't do that it might be worth building a small frame and laying a small couple of squares of turf and a little mud patch so they can dig it, inside a ply frame if you see what I mean so it would still be contained but a little patch to keep the nails down/forage, you can do that with shallow sided box filled with hay aswell and hide some treats in the hay.

I actually just today planted a couple of seed trays with turf for them.
My wife suggested turfing it all instead of decking, but I decided that it would end up in a right mess, as it is not practical to strim it if the bunnies don't keep it all trimmed for us.
Thanks Janice.:)

Driving everyone mad now I know – But I am a bit concerned about these slopes down levels/in/out of runs – Are they safe? I am worried Pip will fall & hurt herself…Anyone had experiences of this?

I'm building my own hutch & am going to put a pipe as a tunnel on the top half of the ramp so they can't fall of the edge.
I actually just today planted a couple of seed trays with turf for them.
My wife suggested turfing it all instead of decking, but I decided that it would end up in a right mess, as it is not practical to strim it if the bunnies don't keep it all trimmed for us.

They will love those, you could build a corner and as a digging corner though when you build the hutch. Thehayexperts.co.uk sell plaintain seeds if your interested, bunnies love the stuff, they will make light work of that, it will be gone in minutes:lol: Is that an apple tree I spot? Mine adore the little twigs from apple trees too :D
I wasn't going to critisise it at all I was actually just going to suggest instead of decking would it be possible to turf it for them, it would look really nice aswell, if you can't do that it might be worth building a small frame and laying a small couple of squares of turf and a little mud patch so they can dig it, inside a ply frame if you see what I mean so it would still be contained but a little patch to keep the nails down/forage, you can do that with shallow sided box filled with hay aswell and hide some treats in the hay.

I did plant a few dandelions around the base of the apple tree this afternoon, the bunnies soon trimmed them down to size.
Thanks for the tip about the plantains, I am a gardener so I should be able to find a few without having to buy seeds.
I did plant a few dandelions around the base of the apple tree this afternoon, the bunnies soon trimmed them down to size.
Thanks for the tip about the plantains, I am a gardener so I should be able to find a few without having to buy seeds.

Cool worth washing them if they are wildies though, the council round here spray the verges etc so I always thorough wash any I find along the way.
Won't ever see the bunnies in that :)

:lol: Just a thought, maybe not that dense but, you get the idea, I think contemporary neat gardens are great and obviously practical but, if they have just a couple of 'wilder' looking area's for the butterflies, bee's etc it's even better and let's be honest here, they would love to hide in the grass wouldn't they:lol:
:wave: Hello, I am going to be totally honest with you here as you have such good DIY skills, I would cut the legs of that hutch down to bunny hop level so they can hop in and out and although your run is absolutely brilliant in terms of space, shade etc I would be wary of leaving them out in it at night, it's difficult to see how secure your garden is but, the wire doesn't look strong enough from the pic to withstand a fox attack, they can get through chicken wire I believe. I have to say the hutch is letting the fantastic sized run down aswell, I would deffo keep an eye on ebay for a 6ft one or better still get dad on the case to make one or an extension/renovation to the old one maybe?

Would you say it is OK the leave access to the run at night if the run is 100%secure from predators?
Cool worth washing them if they are wildies though, the council round here spray the verges etc so I always thorough wash any I find along the way.

If they have been sprayed, washing them won't remove the Herbicides that have translocated into the plant, I would recommend you only pick stuff you know hasn't been sprayed at all.
This is true, makes you wonder what happens to us with our food that is sprayed :shock: it does remove urine and other harmful bacteria etc though, in all honesty my front garden has sufficient dandelions and I tend to buy dried plaintain from the hayexperts. I know lots of people pick wild stuff so just thought I'd mention it :D
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Would you say it is OK the leave access to the run at night if the run is 100%secure from predators?

I think if the run was 100% secure from predators then yes. This means it would need to be covered top and be impossible for anything to dig under aswell, it also needs to have mesh too small for mice or rats to squeeze through the bars ideally and have an area that provides adequate shelter if it rains though IMO.
:wave: Hello, I am going to be totally honest with you here as you have such good DIY skills, I would cut the legs of that hutch down to bunny hop level so they can hop in and out and although your run is absolutely brilliant in terms of space, shade etc I would be wary of leaving them out in it at night, it's difficult to see how secure your garden is but, the wire doesn't look strong enough from the pic to withstand a fox attack, they can get through chicken wire I believe. I have to say the hutch is letting the fantastic sized run down aswell, I would deffo keep an eye on ebay for a 6ft one or better still get dad on the case to make one or an extension/renovation to the old one maybe?

Sorry I didn't say, they are locked in the smaller run at night (it is made entirely of welded mesh so as fox pfoof as I can make it :) Also this pic was taken before the lid to the bigger run was built ;)

Just out of interest why wouldn't you have the ramp down to the run? x
Sorry I didn't say, they are locked in the smaller run at night (it is made entirely of welded mesh so as fox pfoof as I can make it :) Also this pic was taken before the lid to the bigger run was built ;)

Just out of interest why wouldn't you have the ramp down to the run? x

:wave: I did think there was probably an explanation. Be wary of them digging under the run aswell though, if they have babies and are hungry enough they will near enough spend all night if necessary to get to a tasty meal. I couldn't see a ramp in your pictures I thought you had stools or boxes or something for them to hop on to and up into the hutch, I just think the hutch preferably needs to be slightly off the ground for preservation and warmth but, I can't see why it needs to be that high, I wouldn't want mine jumping in and out onto a narrow platform and I do have a doe who is jumper/climber so I know they can do it, the point is that accidents do happen and with more than one they could easily fall if they try and run or something. I might be being over cautious, you know your bunnies at the end of the day so go with what you feel, just thought I'd give my thoughts really. Also the hutch needs a makeover, have you thought of painting it with the Cuprinol shades ? It would transform it, you could easily add another section on the end and attach some of the cut off legs to the new end for support without too much trouble.

The run is fab for the day though, I bet they are happy bunnies :love: