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My two giant bunnies

Bavarian Bunny

Wise Old Thumper
I got them an extra big cage. Unfortunately they have already found out how to open it from inside. :rolleyes:

How do you attach a shelf in these dog crates? Would love to hear some ideas.

Lovely bunnies! :lol: That crate is huge! i remember seeing on here a while ago instructions how to put in a shelf, can't remember where though! Sorry!
An easy way would be to put some thin wooden battens from one side to the other resting between the wire and then screw a wooden shelf to the battons.
Hey :wave:

Here's the instructions for the shelf


We actually made a shelf for Rosie's crate, but had to take it out as she wouldn't use the ramp :rolleyes: and kept trying to jump up and down from the base to the shelf. That wouldn't have been a problem in itself, but she would hit her hocks on the cage as she jumped down and as she used to have trouble with sore hocks we couldn't risk her making them bleed and ulcerating them. :rolleyes:

But I know loads of people have shelves without problems - just Rosie being awkward!

Good luck!
I'm so glad that people still use those instructions :D , we've modified things with the next version and now screw the ramp to the batton rather than the shelf which is much better. Also, I got hold of some rubber gripping (my dad got it from an auto jumble) and have screwed this to the whole length of the ramp, they find it much easier to use. I watched carefully to start with that they didn't chew it.

Also, Rosie-Rabbit - Charlie has been suffering/recovering from EC so has been in a separate cage. I'm about to rebond (fingers crossed) him with Lavender and then he can go back to living with her in their dog crate, he's been left slightly wobbly and with a head tilt so we're going to make a new shelf that goes all across the cage except for the hole for the ramp. Maybe you could try this for you bun?
I'm so glad that people still use those instructions :D , we've modified things with the next version and now screw the ramp to the batton rather than the shelf which is much better. Also, I got hold of some rubber gripping (my dad got it from an auto jumble) and have screwed this to the whole length of the ramp, they find it much easier to use. I watched carefully to start with that they didn't chew it.

Also, Rosie-Rabbit - Charlie has been suffering/recovering from EC so has been in a separate cage. I'm about to rebond (fingers crossed) him with Lavender and then he can go back to living with her in their dog crate, he's been left slightly wobbly and with a head tilt so we're going to make a new shelf that goes all across the cage except for the hole for the ramp. Maybe you could try this for you bun?

Ah, so this was your design! :thumb:

That's actually a great idea to put the shelf all across the cage - will certainly give it some thought along with your other modifications :)

I hope Charlie is OK - and good luck with the rebonding!