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My Lovely Beatrice


Warren Veteran
Over the last few weeks my lovely old rex piggie Beatrice started slowing down. Ive had her 5 years and she was a year when I had her. She was still very happy and so excited when her veggies came. She remained very close to her friend Esme :love: We lost her other friend Hattie 6 months ago, she was around the same age as Bea :(

Yesterday she had her fave veggies for tea and a mound of timmy hay. I tucked them up in bed at around 10pm. This morning I found my darling Beatrice in a forever sleep being cuddled by Esme :cry: :cry: Esme and I will miss her very much :cry: Popcorn free at The Bridge my Darling, Hattie and other friends will be there. I love and miss you xxxx
very sorry steph. I don't know what popcorning is but if it's fun, I hope she is doing it at the bridge.
I am so very soory Steph, she was so special, big hugs to you, binky free Beatrice and have fun at the bridge xx