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My bunny has swollen red and weeping eyes :'(

Poor wee soul, I hope she gets better soon. Did you manage to get to one of the bunny savvy vets recommended by folk earlier in the thread at all?

Fingers crossed:(
Just been searching for this thread..

Is there any news on Destiny this morning BrutalBaby?

I do hope its good news...
Im really sorry to hear that shes not doing so great. :(

Good luck at the vets, i hope she pulls through.

Sending lots and lots of vibes to Destiny and we hope to hear some better news soon!

hi am thinking about destiny today i would suggest to vets that she starts oral antibiotics in addition to eye drops baytril in the very least and that a swap is done of nose to find out which bacteria it is(this will tell you which antibiotics are best to use) , have you brought bunny indoors aalready? as when a rabbit is ill its important to keep them warm bed her on towels or soft bedding in case its an allergic reaction to bedding. and do make sure she has pain relief. something we did with our bunny and many others have treid is a steam bath....by this i mean steam up the bathroom and allow bunny to hop around supervised with you in there so the steam helps bunny clear its upper respiritory tract, also make sure bunny has plenty to eat tempt her with strong scented things and keep her eating. i too am very worried about myxi prehaps a second opinion is nessacery. dint give up on her just yet thinknig of you x
Sadly Destiny was put to sleep today.

It was confirmed she had Myxi!! I can not believe that the vet had passed it on as conjunctivitis!! she had to suffer 4days thinking it was just an eye infection!

Im registering Autumn with another vet and getting him checked over and having all his vaccinations done so they are up 2 date. Im no longer leaving him outside, im bringing him back indoors as a house bunny. its far too risky out there with all the mozzies.

Im going to miss my lil girl soo much, its such a sad day. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible i tried my best. I blame myself for not checking up if she defo had her vaccine against myxo!!

At least she is out of pain now, always in my heart bless her she was only 8months :(

RIP Desting my lil girl :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Sadly Destiny was put to sleep today.

It was confirmed she had Myxi!! I can not believe that the vet had passed it on as conjunctivitis!! she had to suffer 4days thinking it was just an eye infection!

Im registering Autumn with another vet and getting him checked over and having all his vaccinations done so they are up 2 date. Im no longer leaving him outside, im bringing him back indoors as a house bunny. its far too risky out there with all the mozzies.

Im going to miss my lil girl soo much, its such a sad day. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible i tried my best. I blame myself for not checking up if she defo had her vaccine against myxo!!

At least she is out of pain now, always in my heart bless her she was only 8months :(

RIP Desting my lil girl :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Oh chick i am so so sorry,
R.I.P destiny, hugs for you. xxxxxxxx
I really am so angry at the vet how could they just shrugg it off!!

and the way she told me on the phone that she had myxi and that she has to be put to sleep, like she didnt care at all!!

She wasnt just a rabbit or an animal she was my baby who i raised from 7 weeks!! :cry::cry::cry:
Oh no :( I've been sat here waiting for news, im so sorry :(

Binky free little destiny...no more pain now.
I really am so angry at the vet how could they just shrugg it off!!

and the way she told me on the phone that she had myxi and that she has to be put to sleep, like she didnt care at all!!

She wasnt just a rabbit or an animal she was my baby who i raised from 7 weeks!! :cry::cry::cry:

Oh chick we all suspected it was myxi, dont berate yourself now shes at peace, just learn from it and get your other bun checked over with a savvy vet.

Im truly sorry she has passed away. xxxxxxxxxx
Sadly Destiny was put to sleep today.

It was confirmed she had Myxi!! I can not believe that the vet had passed it on as conjunctivitis!! she had to suffer 4days thinking it was just an eye infection!

Im registering Autumn with another vet and getting him checked over and having all his vaccinations done so they are up 2 date. Im no longer leaving him outside, im bringing him back indoors as a house bunny. its far too risky out there with all the mozzies.

Im going to miss my lil girl soo much, its such a sad day. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible i tried my best. I blame myself for not checking up if she defo had her vaccine against myxo!!

At least she is out of pain now, always in my heart bless her she was only 8months :(

RIP Desting my lil girl :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

i am very sorry for your loss, i think in the circumstances where you felt she very likley wasnt vaccinated that pts was sadly the best option you could do for her. please bear in mind for future bunnies(such as autumn) that after vaccinations even and even while up to date they can get myxi the only difference is they usually get the nodular form and this can be treated if you catch it as early as possible though it is a llong road to recovery, i think for future (i know it wont help you now) that you should always insure your pets get pain relief and baytril if they have any inckling of myxi as this will cover a wide variety of problems the rabbit may have and as a precautionary will help regardless of infection or myxi. so very sorry once again for your loss try not to be too hard on yourself as we are all new to bunnies once and even us expierinaced owners we find new things out all the time. bunnies are such a complex speicies and you really need a specialist who deals in exotics such as rabbits as many vets are just sadly not clued up enough. binky free destiny prehpas when you feel up to it you will put a tribute in rainbow bridge to her? x
I am so sorry that it was Myxi.

Once you suspected all was not well you did seek help from a vet- I am so sorry you did not find one who cared about rabbits. Not every vet likes small animals.

Myxi is a horrible thing that makes caring rabbit owners blood run cold. Caring vets hate seeing it too. Sadly for a none vaccinated bun the outlook is grim. Even a vaccinated bun has a real fight its that horrible an illness.

I hope Autumn continues to be well and do not blame you for seeking another vet who loves buns.
I really am so angry at the vet how could they just shrugg it off!!

and the way she told me on the phone that she had myxi and that she has to be put to sleep, like she didnt care at all!!

She wasnt just a rabbit or an animal she was my baby who i raised from 7 weeks!! :cry::cry::cry:

one other detail i should let you know although it wont help now is that babies should never be removed from the mother until 8 weeks minimum regardles if they are weaned or not, this ensures they get full vitamins and life lessons that mummy bun teaches them it sounds like you had a really bum deal with this breeder if they let them go this early and lied about vaccination, if they are brc registered please report them. prehaps if you consider a freind for autumn once he is neutered adn vaccinated you would consider a rescue bun you will be surprised at the amounth of unwanted needy bunnys and the amount of back ground info a rescue can give you on a bunny, they will also help you to improve your set up with advice and it will long term save you money as they usually come ready vaccinated and neutered for jsuta small adoption fee they will also help with bonding (i apprichiate prehaps this is a long ways off right now)

i am confused that the final diagnostic was done over the phone? why were you not able to be with your bunny at the vets? so sorry this has happened to you.