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Loss of a precious pet....


New Kit
I,m new to this site and I want to to say I am so sorry for everyone who has lost their babies. I lost my dog of 13 years in April and it has been very hard for me. Now my 9-10 year old bunny is acting differently and I don't know if I can stand to have another one of my children go to the Rainbow Bridge. I would love to talk to anyone who is willing. Thanks and God Bless. :love:
It's heartbreaking isn't it? :cry:. Two of my bunnies are 8.5 and are starting to really show their age. Having to say "goodbye" to a beloved member of the family is never something I'll get used and it breaks my heart every time. But it won't stop me from welcoming more four-legged friends and letting them steal my heart away :love:.
Awww, thankyou, and Im so sorry you lost your precious dog :cry:

Unfortunately alot of us on here have lost a beloved pet. I lost my bun Tilly in January 2010. It absolutely devastated me at the time, and sometimes even now it still feels raw when I think about her :cry:

I cant bear the thought of going through that again, but I know it will happen. I would never change having my 4 angels though. They are all worth every tear I will ever shed for them :love:

Animals just don't live long enough do they :( it's always really hard when you lose one of your furry friends but with some its hit you harder than you could ever imagine, i feel that way about my cat Bob who I lost recently. I hate being without him, I miss him and am still very tearful when I think about him :cry:

I am now looking at my two eldest dogs and dreading the day I have to say goodbye, I also have two very special piggies who are starting to get old and frail :( I sometimes wonder why I put myself through it but we do because life wouldn't be the same without them :love:
Its not fdair that they dont live long.

I try to look t it as a cup of happiness and love that they fill, Lily was only 4.5 when I lost her but her cup of love and happiness was overflowing and I will never forget her :cry:
It's so heartbreaking to lose a special friend.

They mean so much, and the idea that they're just gone...

Either suddenly or by age, either way it takes a chunk out of your heart.

But, what I've been focusing on lately, and I have been told you have to, is the silliest times you've had.

When they did something that really made you mad, or was just a down right giggle fest.

Good memories-even if they frustrated you at the time.

(My favorite of my bunny is when he ate EVERY SINGLE button off my DVD remote. they were all flush gone. :shock:)
can i please something, every person that uses this forum loves there pet's so much, when they go raindow bridge it's so hard.
But each pet is a little person, you just love them for who they are.
we would not be hear if we do not love are pets.
time pass's and that felling you need that little person comes back into youre life, it never replace's youre little person as they all have there own personalities.
we all have to enjoy the time we have with them.
