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Lord Herbert-U/D 1st August

I am pleased and relieved to read that he is more stable now :D It would appear that you have little option other than to restart his meds. I hope he improves further throughout the day.

Sending him lots of vibes.
Sorry to hear that Lord H may have to be on strong meds permanently. As long as he is well in himself then thay is something to be thankful for. xx
I’m so glad he is more stable now, fingers crossed that he improves further today. I know that we wish all our animals to live to old age, but at least if he has a good quality of life and he’s happy that is all he will care about.

Topping up the vibes and hugs xx
Only just seen this, poor Lord H glad to hear there is some improvement. He's lucky to have you Jane giving such exellent care xx
I'm sorry I didn't post sooner but my phone is on the fritz so I had to wait till I got my laptop up and running. I am so relieved to hear Lord H is stable and hope this will continue for him.

Mimzy, as you may remember, was on daily metacam from age 3, which I was distressed to learn was due to early onset arthritis. He lived to age 10 but never fully recovered from the multiple conditions he had. Overall though, I'd like to think he had a good life and that I always gave him every chance, even if it meant daily dosing of one thing or other.

Lord H is lucky to have you and C, Jane. You both will always have his best interests in mind. :love: xxxxx
I am sorry to read the latest update regarding Lord H. I'm sending more vibes and hope things settle down for him. Hugs to you also. x
Oh no, sending loads of vibes for him. I'm not surprised how you are feeling :( Thinking of you both and sending lots of hugs.
:cry: what a truly horrible time you are having at the moment with your buns. I do hope things improve. We are all sending positive, healing vibes to you.