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Lord Herbert-U/D 1st August

No judgment here, Jane. Ever.

I'm ever so relieved that Lord H is still here and has recovered. I was so worried for all of you. (((((((Huge hugs))))))) :love:

Please give His Lordship a special snuggle from me. I shall raise my evening cuppa to you both tonight. Bless you. xxxxxxx
No judgment here, Jane. Ever.

I'm ever so relieved that Lord H is still here and has recovered. I was so worried for all of you. (((((((Huge hugs))))))) :love:

Please give His Lordship a special snuggle from me. I shall raise my evening cuppa to you both tonight. Bless you. xxxxxxx

Thank you so much M :love:
Sorry to hear that gabapentin wasn't the answer you were looking for but I have absolute faith you and your vet will advocate appropriately and always have his interests at the forefront of your plans.
So pleased Lord H is still here Jane, you and C make a fantastic team, he couldn't be in safer hands ! Despite his problems, he sounds happy bless him, and is enjoying his life. If ever that changed, he would let you know I'm sure. Gentle nose rub for your boy, and hug for you Jane, you must be exhausted xxx
I’m so sorry that the gabapentin didn’t suit him :cry: but I know that he is in the best hands with you, he couldn’t get any better care than from you and C, and I know that you will always do the best for him. How anyone could think any differently of you and C is beyond me.

I’m so relieved he is recovering, topping up the vibes and hugs xx
Hey Jane, like others I know you only do the very best for your rabbits giving them 110% care. Topping up the vibes from here lets hope this treatment is successful xx
I had a sleepless night last night worrying about Lord H and I am so so relieved that he is still here. Personally I would never ever pass judgement on anyone, especially someone as caring and as rabbit savy as you Jane. I wish I had a fraction of the rabbit knowledge you have. You love and adore your rabbits and I am sure that love is converted into inner spirit with your rabbits, espcially Lord H. I really hope the adjustment in meds that you are looking at will help to move things forward for Lord H and again, that shows the care and positive thinking that you have. The care of your rabbits is always foremost in your mind. Your rabbits are enriched by having you there, fighting their corner, being nurse, doctor, and guardian angel. Loads of vibes from me and 'Hillain'. xx
No judgement here either. It is incredibly difficult to know whether to continue treatment or to help a beloved friend to Rainbow Bridge but you have taken advice from a bunny savvy vet who knows Lord H well. The recent photo of him 'potting' with Roisin showed a comfortable and very relaxed bun. You and C know Lord H - none of us do.

Topping up the vibes xxx
I have told Lord H that he has a lot of RU friends routing for him and he says 'Thank you' :love: He said that he would offer you a bowl of his favourite daily tipple of Warm Peppermint Tea + Avipro Plus. But he thinks us humans are a bit weird about not liking certain things and he feels his special Cocktail may fall into the 'certain things' category !!
Wonderful news, I know that you always act in his best interests and he's very lucky to have you and C working as a fantastic team to look after him. Sending lots of vibes and nose rubs for him xxx
I have just taken this pic


I'm so pleased that Lord H has responded to the meds and is now improved :D

You know Lord H best, Jane.
I'm glad Lord H is as well as can be expected. You and your vet will know when quality of life dips to an unfair level, and when to let him go, hopefully with dignity still intact. In the meantime, I hope he continues to enjoy his life with you and Roisin for a good long while yet. After all, you know him and we can only live vicariously through the tales and pictures you share of him. xxx
Topping up the vides for the beautiful Lord H and hope he continues to improve. Lovely photo of Lord H who clearly enjoys having a cuddle. :love: