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Lily, My Lovely....


Wise Old Thumper
Its been a whole year since you left home.
I daresay that time would have gone slower had you still been here, but hey.
You and your darling brother had your 4th birthdays this week...Bittersweet to be happy yet sad at the same time.
Your lovely vet said we were so lucky to have had you for your 3rd birthday considering all of your problems.
You had such a tough life, as short as it was, but you fought and fought.I always said that if you wanted to live I would fight alongside with you.

Darling Bunny, I miss you so much everyday, theres always a moment when you pop into my head.
I see the tweets in my garden and know you think of me too.Youll always be my Soul Bunny, Lils.
The memories I have in my memory and heart will keep you close to me.
Remembering when you first came to live with me, we cleaned you up, fed you medicine and kept you comfortable.
I did my very best and my reward was your company and love for 2 years, 3 months and 2 days.

Missing you today of all days, Little One.
God Bless.

Lily, cannot believe it has been a year already. You were a special girl who is very much missed.