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Lexie (moo moo) 28.06.09

Oh no Sooz I am so, so sorry xxx She was such a beautiful girl. Maybe she never really got over losing Mack :( Sending big hugs to Fiver xxx

Binky free Lexie and Mack, together again xxx
I don't know, I do think loosing Mack had an impact on her immune system as she started to get snuffley again despite the Engemycin injections she was having.

I'm still in shock to be honest, it's simply astounding how quickly she went downhill. I will admit to throwing a bit of a hissy fit in the consulting room (I think I may have cussed a bit), I just couldn't believe she died just as we got her onto the table. If I hadn't, for some unknown reason, fed her and Fiver before the carnivores today she would probably have been gone before I got to their room and I would have had no idea why. :cry:
So sorry for your loss, i know how your feeling, and it aint great!! :cry::cry:
Hope your wee Lexie is having fun at the bridge with all her bunny friends and my wee boy xx
Thanks everyone. Fiver, thankfully, seems to be coping well with her absence. I've given him 'Randy' (our cuddly toy substitute) to snuggle up to for the time being.
Sooz, it's so unfair that this has happened that I don't even have any words. She was such a special bun.

Run free Lexie, you mum will be missing you loads.