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Lady Lydia Needs Some RU Vibes Please-U/D 3rd August :-(

Just seeing this now...poor Lydia :(
(((((((((((((Massive healing hock vibes))))))))))))))))))) being sent with all due speed for the lovely Lady. :love: xxxx
Oh no, the wee soul. Her front foot looks awful as well. :(:(:( Does the heat cause flare ups or is it just bad luck and Rex feet?
Oh no, the wee soul. Her front foot looks awful as well. :(:(:( Does the heat cause flare ups or is it just bad luck and Rex feet?

Her hocks are always worse during the Summer when her coat is thinner overall. But this year has been particularly bad. Her front foot is a nightmare as she will not, under any circumstances, keep a dressing on it and worse still she digs a lot. Although she has not done so over the last couple of days as her foot is just too sore :cry:
Poor Lady Lydia - lots if foot healing vibes from here.

This might be a bad idea but would putting vaseline on her front foot help protect her sore skin from further irritation? It's something our GP recommended for stubbrn eczema to put on a few minutes after the treatment creams to maximise effectiveness.
I have to bed angel and bailey on an old duvet cover now. to help their feetsies.
It really makes a difference.
Would that be of any help for lady Lydia?