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Josie's Poorly UD She's Gone

I found Josie collapsed this morning. I picked her up and she let out a scream and wee'd all over me :cry: She was almost fitting. I rushed her to the vets and they've got her in an oxygen chamber. I thought she was dying :cry: How can this be happening? :cry:

I am so very sorry :cry: It is almost certainly the Myxi :cry:

Hoping for a miracle

Oh no, poor Josie. It was a horrible thing for you to deal with, she is lucky to have a brilliant bunny mum like you to get her help so quickly.
I feel like such a fool for being so happy that Josie had it 'easy' with the myxi compared to others. When the nodules went I thought it was over. :censored: myxi.

It really is the most vile and evil virus :evil: Sadly it is the internal damage it can do that makes it so deathly. I really am desperately sorry :cry:
It really is the most vile and evil virus :evil: Sadly it is the internal damage it can do that makes it so deathly. I really am desperately sorry :cry:

Do you think she has a chance? :cry:

I don't think I've heard of a rabbit coming back from this :cry: With the screaming and fitting, I didn't know if I should just hold her and let her pass in my arms :cry: I don't know if rushing her in was the right thing to do.
Do you think she has a chance? :cry:

I don't think I've heard of a rabbit coming back from this :cry: With the screaming and fitting, I didn't know if I should just hold her and let her pass in my arms :cry: I don't know if rushing her in was the right thing to do.

I think the odds are firmly stacked against her. But she made it to the Vet and that in itself is a miracle. I would be lying if I said I thought she would definitely pull through, but where there's life there is hope and you certainly did the right thing by getting her to the Vet. At least now she is on oxygen she will 'feel' better.
I think the odds are firmly stacked against her. But she made it to the Vet and that in itself is a miracle. I would be lying if I said I thought she would definitely pull through, but where there's life there is hope and you certainly did the right thing by getting her to the Vet. At least now she is on oxygen she will 'feel' better.

Luckily there's a branch only a couple of minutes drive from me, and the vet was just getting there when I did. If I'd had to go to Fulford where they do emergencies, I don't think she would have made it. (With the state of my driving neither would I :oops:)

Yes, she's on Vetergesic (sp?) as well, so if she goes now she won't be in pain at least :cry: When she first arrived and had the awful diarrhoea we didn't think she'd survive, and she beat the odds then. She's a fighter.
The vet just called. Unfortunately I thought I'd risk having a shower to wash the pee off me when he called, so with water in my ears I didn't catch everything he said :oops:

She's improved slightly. He mentioned fluid in her abdomen. She's still fitting though, so he's given her something to help with that. I asked if that was because of a lack of oxygen to her brain, but he doesn't think so. It wouldn't be happening while she was in the oxygen tent, and she's a good colour, and it doesn't look like that kind of fit (he used a fancy name).

He mentioned hospitalising her overnight! Overnight! :shock: I wasn't sure she'd survive the morning, so surely that's a good sign that he thinks she'll be alive by tonight? He said he'd call back later.

I really shouldn't get my hopes up, but maybe if we all visualise her up and well we can make it happen? Thank you for the vibes, please keep them up! xx
I am so sorry to hear the update on Josie. She is a fighter. I really hope that Josie can recover from this. At least there is a slight improvement. Mega mega mega vibes for your besutiful girl. xxx
Oh no I've only just caught up with this so sorry this is happening.
Thinking ofyou - hoping she can pull through.
I've just seen this, I'm so sorry. Hopefully she is recovering well and at least she is in the best place. Dont feel a fool about thinking she had got away with it, we all suffer from wishful thinking. I keep thinking Doughnut is on the mend then last night she was so poorly again, feel like I'm nearly back at square one. Then this morning as happy as anything!

Lots of vibes for her and hugs for you. Keep us updated.
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