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Jezebel back from her op


Warren Scout
Jezebel came back from her op yesterday, she seems ok but not her usual self, as you would expect.

Am a little worried as she has not got her normal appitite back and has only had minimal amount of hay not really touched her food and one really small piece of cauliflower which she normally loves. Hardly no water has gone either.

She has done 5 poo's and a wee though!

Is this ok or should i be worried enough to take he back to the vets??

Don't really want to end up syringe feeding her if i can help it.
Hiya. Can you tempt her with some dandelion leaves. It does take a good 24-36 hours for a bun to regain their appetite after a GA. Was her op' a spay? Were you given any pain relief to give her at home over this weekend. It is advisable as once the GA has worn off your bun will be in some discomfort. And of course a bun in pain wont eat. As long as she has passed some poops and had a wee thats good but you will need to make sure her food intake is sufficient to keep her guts working, even if the amount she eats is not as much as normal. Sure she will brighten up as the day goes on. If you are at all worried dont hesitate to contact your vet though. Jane and Bunsxx
You might want to give here a shallow dish (maybe even a plate) for water. the strain of reaching up to a bottle can hurt their tummies. A small piece of Banana might help to get her started eating too.

Good luck with her recovery!

I'll second the dandelions - if you can find any this time of year - Most vets won't give you any pain relief to take home - The shot they give them lasts nearly 2 days, so she shouldn't be in pain till tomorrow, which is when you will have to nurse her more - I'll also second the water in a bowl instead of a bottle, although I found with my bottle bunny that when she stopped drinking, if I held the bottle spout next to her mouth she would have a drink.

Keep her very warm too, as she will be shocked from the operation and pain - is she in the house? If not then she needs to be for a few days to a week.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Jezebel! :)
Has she eaten any more? and done more poos? If not you will really need to syringe feed her as she must get some food and water into her. The second day is often the worst as the pain killers from the op will have worn off.
Rowan stopped eating yesterday, and pooing, but he took food eagerly from a syringe - it is not always a battle, he was sucking it off the syringe. I think what often upsets rabbits is not the syringe feeding, but the wrapping them up and turning them over that often accompanies it. I just sit the rabbit on my lap, use a thin 1ml syringe, lift their lip, slide it in and squirt. A thirsty rabbit will be happy to take liquid feed, especially if you flavour it with apple juice or the like. Critical care is sweet too, they like it.
Re: hi

elve said:
I'll second the dandelions - if you can find any this time of year - Most vets won't give you any pain relief to take home - The shot they give them lasts nearly 2 days, so she shouldn't be in pain till tomorrow, which is when you will have to nurse her more - I'll also second the water in a bowl instead of a bottle, although I found with my bottle bunny that when she stopped drinking, if I held the bottle spout next to her mouth she would have a drink.

Keep her very warm too, as she will be shocked from the operation and pain - is she in the house? If not then she needs to be for a few days to a week.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Jezebel! :)
Have to disagree re post-operative analgesia. The pain relief given as part of the GA is partly NEGATED by the Antisedan that is given to reverse anaesthetic sedation. If Carprofen (Rimadyl) is given aswell as the Vetelar/Domitor, then there may be sufficient analgesia to last 24 hrs, but the Carprofen must be given AFTER the GA and subsequent Antisedan. I would expect a vet spaying any of my does to routinely dispense pain relief to administer at home for at least 2 days post surgery. Jane and Bunsxx
Hi all,

The vet didn't give us any pain relief for Jezebel, they said that the shot they gave would be sufficent.

The first 24 hours she would only eat small amounts, and creep around slowly, now she's eating, pooing and weeing a lot more, and I can tell she's getting back to herself coz she's causing mischief!!

Was a bit concern because her favorite treat, carrot crunchers, she wouldn't touch, but now she's munching em down!

She's going back for a checkup Tuesday, so hopefully she will get the all clear.
This was our first spay op, and I was really nervous and worried, but she's looking a lot better now.
my vet didnt give me pain relief to take home when nala was spayed either as they had given a long lasting pain relief. :?
Its great to hear she is eating well ok. Im sure she will be back to normal soon

oh that's great - what a relief :D

I was begging my vet for a bottle of metacam for Maa after her eye op, but she wouldn't let me have any - said I had to bring her back for a shot every other day :roll:
Re: hi

elve said:
oh that's great - what a relief :D

I was begging my vet for a bottle of metacam for Maa after her eye op, but she wouldn't let me have any - said I had to bring her back for a shot every other day :roll:
Me-thinks I might consider changing Vets....Pain relief is an ESSENTIAL part of post operative care yet some vets are STILL so nervous about administering it for buns. Quite frustrating really..... :roll: :roll: Jane and Bunsxx

well as they are a brilliant vets in every other way, I'll stick with them - Her intent was not to make Maa suffer or inconvenience me really - just to force me to bring her in for check ups regularly - which is a good thing I guess, although a real nuisance for me as I have no car...She had no way of knowing that I would use the metacam responsibly, or even give Maa her antibiotics properly, so I suppose she has to be cautious who she dishes it out to.