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Ingrown front paw nail


Warren Scout
Just done a routine nail clip on the buns and noticed that Lotty has an almost ingrown front nail or its growing on a very funny angle, has anyone seen anything like this? :( Do we just need to keep clipping it, she only gets small amounts clipped as we can't see where the quick is.

This is her dewclaw isn't it?

Tbh, all my bun's dewclaws grow like this, they curl when they get too long. Just make sure it is kept short and it will be fine. :thumb:
It is yes but it's never been this badly bent. We clip every few weeks as we only ever take a teeny bit off, maybe we should be taking more off but I'm very worried about where the quick is. :oops:
One little trick that will usually let you know if you are cutting into the quick, place the clippers on the nail where you are going to cut, then lightly squeeze the clippers onto the nail without actually cutting. If you are into the quick, the rabbit will flinch. Then you would just move it up a little and try again. If there's no flinching, then finish the cut. You can also shine a flashlight behind the nail to see where the quick is. Though with a dewclaw that might be more difficult to do.
I tend to miss these out by mistake, which is probably why they tend to curve. I have noticed, however, that my buns will chew them on their own if they get long. I only ever need to cut Xena's dewclaws, but her nails grow faster than the others, for some strange reason. :lol:

Definitely try Jbun's trick about shining a torch through the claws, that's a good trick! I find with the squeezing bit that my buns always flinch, even if it's not near the quick. :roll:
Thank you both, we do use a torch but she's got jet black nails and even with the torch we can't see the quick. Simba is easy and his quick is so obvious. I'm usually doing the holding and my oh does the cutting and he does always try to squeeze first and see if they twitch. I think we just get very worried about cutting too much and hurting her. :oops:

If this looks normal then that's fine, again just a bit worried, she's a tripod and so I worry about her front paw as she relies on it so much.
Thank you both, we do use a torch but she's got jet black nails and even with the torch we can't see the quick. Simba is easy and his quick is so obvious. I'm usually doing the holding and my oh does the cutting and he does always try to squeeze first and see if they twitch. I think we just get very worried about cutting too much and hurting her. :oops:

If this looks normal then that's fine, again just a bit worried, she's a tripod and so I worry about her front paw as she relies on it so much.

It is normal. :)

Perhaps ask the vets to cut her claws? I have one bun with black nails and I won't be trying to cut her nails myself as I'm too worried about hurting her. My other two have lovely see-through nails. :thumb:
It is normal :wave:

Pierre broke his claw when he went charging up out stairs, it always grows in a funny angle, much like your picture. The vet clips it just like the others. It shouldn't bother him unless it gets too long or does grow back into the skin. Just keep an eye on it.