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Important Information Re: RVHD2-Please Read

:) yes very prompt in there reply to us, just think we may see each other

i wonder if you'd know me even though you've never seen me. just from how i describe myself :lol: x

eta: which vet works at yours now after moving from ashleigh vets? it's not michelle is it? i haven't seen her around in a while.
My Vet is still waiting too. She spoke with the RWAF yesterday and apparently they too are aware of some sort of problem getting the vaccine in :?
Mine says they're having trouble too, although I wasn't sure whether that was because the group is doing bulk purchasing rather than individual clinics sorting their own. I would imagine the problem is that the manufacturers have been caught by surprise with the sudden increase in demand and are struggling to generate the extra amount needed. It wouldn't surprise me if it takes a while for it to become fairly easily available.
Mine says they're having trouble too, although I wasn't sure whether that was because the group is doing bulk purchasing rather than individual clinics sorting their own. I would imagine the problem is that the manufacturers have been caught by surprise with the sudden increase in demand and are struggling to generate the extra amount needed. It wouldn't surprise me if it takes a while for it to become fairly easily available.

Yes, I have just said to someone else that I suspect demand has exceeded supply........................................
No. Mine has ordered but still waiting for arrival

Do you know when they order it? I told Crab Lane there *might* be a problem ordering the next batch but they seem confident and said it took 48 hours. I'm getting the strong impression a lot of other practices have order a long longer ago than 48 hours since and not yet got any.... so it could take significantly longer than 48 hours ... or a worse option that I daren't put into words.:(
Do you know when they order it? I told Crab Lane there *might* be a problem ordering the next batch but they seem confident and said it took 48 hours. I'm getting the strong impression a lot of other practices have order a long longer ago than 48 hours since and not yet got any.... so it could take significantly longer than 48 hours ... or worse that I daren't put into words.:(

My Vet has been trying to obtain it for about 10 days now :cry:
My Vet has been trying to obtain it for about 10 days now :cry:

:( I don't know how 'Special import licences' work but *maybe* it isn't intended for mass ordering so as soon as it is obvious then the supply has to stop.. like I say, I'm inventing that scenario as I don't know.
Bunnybuddy, do you know if Crab Lane are putting aside the second dose (for want of better words) so there would definitely be the 2nd part of the vaccination available for those bunnies that had dose one? I imagine I don't need to worry, Crab Lane (no doubt with FHB at the healm) are clearly very on top of the situation. Lucky us .
Bunnybuddy, do you know if Crab Lane are putting aside the second dose (for want of better words) so there would definitely be the 2nd part of the vaccination available for those bunnies that had dose one? I imagine I don't need to worry, Crab Lane (no doubt with FHB at the healm) are clearly very on top of the situation. Lucky us .

That's why I messaged them (via FB) as I thought they might use nearly all 100 doses before re-ordering as it was easy last time. ... I don't feel reassured :?
That's why I messaged them (via FB) as I thought they might use nearly all 100 doses before re-ordering as it was easy last time. ... I don't feel reassured :?

Well if you've made them aware re-ordering is seeming more difficult now then I'm sure they will have put stuff in place. If they are vaccinating for routine ops & accepting rabbit owners for just vaccines who aren't registered there they will get through it in no time. We must have used 15 % of their stock between us they had 100?? or did I make that figure up. I'm sure the vets & vet nurses will all have their bunnies vaccinated quickly too. I have faith in them, I know its natural to worry about our bunnies but these are vets who have never let us down
I've just read on FB that Holly House in Leeds also have the vaccine. So that's hugely reassuring as I hadn't heard of any other practice til now who actually had it.
i wonder if you'd know me even though you've never seen me. just from how i describe myself :lol: x

eta: which vet works at yours now after moving from ashleigh vets? it's not michelle is it? i haven't seen her around in a while.

Ellen but that would be some years ago, I have just found out that the vet my sister uses for her doggy, is looking into it also, so maybe nearer to home, it was only thinking of what vets are here and then I remembered someone who has bunnies was on here and lives not far from my nan and uses them to
I asked my vey about this and they were very upset that they had not heard anything. They emailed RWA asking for information and got some information but no details on how to order it. Yesterday they recieved the vet alert which pretty much had the same information on it (but it stated vets were to be contacted with information on ordering...). Having looked on the RWA facebook page I will suggest they email them again. I feel quite sorry for the vets whose clients have heard about this first.