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how to get hard wee off cage

Hi, I presume you mean that "calcified" sort of residue. Please be careful but I have had the most success (on hamster cages) by scraping with the flat of a knife to get the bulk off and them soaking in some cheap and cheerful (asda 13p) vinegar before another careful scrape and scrub with a "greenie" washin up scourer.
I think coke would do the trick as well if you leave it to soak as it's acidic and fizzy. It's how I got the awful limescale off our outside loo when we moved in.

You could also try the vinagar that everyone else has suggested but try putting some bicarbonate of soda with it as that will fizz up too. It's an abrasive so would be good with a cloth and bit of elbow grease as well.