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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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How much water and critical care to give?


Warren Scout
Olliver was diagnosed with E. Cuniculi and Toxiplasmosis on January 17th and was given the 6 week course - which we are still giving him.

The bunnies have been at my parents house this weekend as we were out of town. This afternoon around 4pm my Dad said that Olliver was weak. When we picked them up from the house Olliver had lost the use of his back legs and his front legs are well in front of him. He is sitting up, but if he flops, he can't get up again by himself. These are the same symptoms as last time. He has some head tilt and we plan to take him to the vet in the morning.

Meanwhile, how much water and critical care should we be giving him?

I've given him 10mls of water and 4 ml critical care mixed with water. He's eaten 3 small dandelion leaves but takes a long time to chew. Not sure if it's a good idea since he's having trouble chewing.

Last time we took him to the vet the vet squeezed his bladder and a lot of urine came out. Has anyone done this? Olliver hasn't urinated since we have brought him home. I don't really want to give him more water if it's going to just sit in his bladder.
Hi, so sorry to hear about your bun - I hope he gets well soon!

When one of my buns was sick a while ago I asked the same question and this is the answer I got: For an average sized bunny (2-2.5kg) I think you need to get a minimum of 50mls liquid in per day (there is a formula to work it out but I cant remember it-sorry).

Good luck and let us know how he is doing!

Little guy didn't make it through the night :(

He's been ill with E cuniculi since the start of December and I guess this relapse was the end for him.

Tofu's all by himself now. My fiance found Tofu snuggled up next to Olliver this morning but Olliver was gone.

So sad. He was only 6 months old.
I am SO sorry - EC is a horrid disease. In my 'lottery win' dreams there will be a fund especially to find a cure for this.
Feeling for you

I am so sorry to hear that. Get a rehome rabbit in your area to keep Tofu company as soon as you can, as Tofu can get depressed due to the lost of companion, just like any human does