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how do i stop myself worrying so much- bunny ocd?

I haven't used the Edimax one myself but it's one of those cheap and cheerful brands. A linksys one would probably have better software and documentation but will be more expensive. I would probably go for the Edimax one.

I'm off to check my bank balance...:wave:


Would I be better off with one of these for a little extra?
As this is all greek to me(!) can I clarify...I want to use it in the bunny shed where I do have mains power...and I have wireless broadband for my laptop indoors...

Does this have night vision or only for use in daylight? Is it in B+W or colour?

Sorry for being so thick!:oops: Would prefer to get it right than buy the wrong thing and waste my money.
the links didnt work :( i think for night vision youll need a cam that has infrared

i think network cameras should work out in your shed if the range of you router allows it :D


Would I be better off with one of these for a little extra?
As this is all greek to me(!) can I clarify...I want to use it in the bunny shed where I do have mains power...and I have wireless broadband for my laptop indoors...

Does this have night vision or only for use in daylight? Is it in B+W or colour?

Sorry for being so thick!:oops: Would prefer to get it right than buy the wrong thing and waste my money.

This one http://www.eclipsecomputers.com/product.aspx?code=WCE-IC1520DPG looks good.

But this one http://www.libranet.co.uk/Products/Edimax-IC-1520DP-Motion-Detection-Wide-Angle-Lens-28h-99v-Digital-Pan-Tilt-13-MPix-Network-Camera doesn't have wireless.

Neither of them have night vision. If you want a wide-angle lense then the wireless one should suit your needs. I don't think you will find one with night vision as well without spending a fair bit more. Although this one says it is good in 'low light' http://www.memory-express.co.uk/index.aspx?pageid=17&id=851289&utm_campaign=froogle&utm_source=Froogle&utm_medium=lead&utm_content=Panasonic+BL-C30+Wireless+IP+Network+Camera

Also donnamt was right. You should take your laptop out to the shed to check you can get a wireless signal from your router :)
i luv my camera but its pretty kak in low light (the reviews did warn us :lol:)

i will deffo invest in one with night vision if i ever upgrade.... *starts an attempt at saving*
With all this talk of web cams you better be careful no one reports you to the SPRP (Society for the Protection of Rabbits Privacy)