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How awful :-(

I'm glad she' been named in the paper.
I hope her "community" do the shaming, but as she was apparatnly guilty of doing something awful to the rabbit at a party it suggests that her friends are like minded.

Those people at the party are as guilty as she.

To see or know of animal cruelty and do nothing makes you as guilty as the instigator.

People make me sick.
I bet there'll be some do-gooder who'll be saying she had a 'traumatic childhood' and her subsequent behaviour needs 'understanding' not condeming.

Understanding my :censored:
I had a ***** childhood but I would never EVER do anything so utterly EVIL to a defenceless animal................:evil: :evil:

Ditto. Mind you, they make excuses for people who've tortured and murdered children (Lord Longford's support of Myra Hindley springs to mind) so what hope has any animal got? There was a case the other day where this little scrote beat someone to death and he got life with, drumroll please, a minimum term of 3 years. No, I've not missed a nought off. And someone has just got 100 hours community service for an unprovoked assault on a man who then collapsed and died of a heart attack. Like politicians, I don't think your average Judge lives in the real world the rest of us inhabit.

There is a proven link between young people who torture and kill animals for fun and that behaviour escalating to anything from domestic violence to serial killers. They need stiffer sentencing rather than mollycoddling and making them out to be the victims.
if they brought death penality in i think people would be less likely to do stupuid things. sure they still do public ones in some countries. i don't like to condem death by pointing a finger but if the law was tougher people may think twice. as my mum said the law is there to help criminals get away with it not make it easier to put them away.
The evil horrid :censored:

Hope she gets a nasty kicking from rabbit loving neighbours.

Ppl like that dont deserve anything better :evil:
I'm actually sat at work in tears. The sentancing makes a mockery of any kind of judicial; system.
I say we find where she lives and do the same to her. See how she likes being dunked in bleach and beaten.
This is why I decided to to apply to be an RSPCA inspector. I'd end up being arrested my self. And you could guarentee my sentance would be a damn site harsher.
I can't even express how :censored: angry I am! How could anyone do such a horrific thing. I hope she gets a long sentence and that her community punish her further... it's a shame that our punishments in this country are not very servere, because she deserves something nasty!

At the very least I hope that she is NEVER allowed any pets ever again and that this is properly monitored to prevent anything else like this happening. I also hope that non of the children she came in to contact with think that animal cruelty is acceptable.

Poor little bun :cry::cry::cry:
Id be willing to serve a two month suspended sentence to do the same thing to her, anyone got her address.

Evil b*tch,
I can't even express how :censored: angry I am! How could anyone do such a horrific thing. I hope she gets a long sentence and that her community punish her further... it's a shame that our punishments in this country are not very servere, because she deserves something nasty!

At the very least I hope that she is NEVER allowed any pets ever again and that this is properly monitored to prevent anything else like this happening. I also hope that non of the children she came in to contact with think that animal cruelty is acceptable.

Poor little bun :cry::cry::cry:

Thats the problem though....Her sentance is only a few months.
It's probably really difficult to keep track of whether she will own animals again. All she would have to do is walk into a pet shop or reply to an ad in the paper.....
At times like this when I read these stories that I really do hope that there is a god above, and her and people like her get their just desserts. My blood is still boiling, I just dont get it I really dont, where's the fun in torturing a poor defenceless bunny or any other creature for that matter to death. I hope I never meet her, as I will not be responsible for my actions.
