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Hey there!


Warren Scout
Just a quick post to introduce myself and my bunnies :wave:
My name is Steph and I have recently adopted two buns; Parnsip and Tattie. Parnsip was brought in to the vets where I work by his RSPCA fosterer with a large wound on his side. It was a complete mystery how he got it and no one expected he was going to make it. Against the odds he never went into shock and we operated on him that afternoon, one more op later and you would never of have guessed anything was wrong with him! I fell in love instantly and new he had to come home with me :) However he was now on his own due to recovery so I went on the search for a female. I found Tattie (previously DeeDee) on Rabbit Rehome and couldn't believe what a perfect match they made. The fosterer did a fanatastic job of bonding them for me, however I do think it was love at first sight! I have had them about a week now and they are settling in very well :) I have posted some piccies as I realise it is illegal on here to introduce without them!:lol:





Ooops sorry not such a quick post! :oops:

Look forward to reading loads more info and chatting to you all :D
:wave: Hello and welcome.

Parsnip and Tattie are gorgeous. I love the photo of Tattie with a stray bit of hay on her head :love:
Oh my, they are beyond delicious! :shock::love: And what a lovely story too (apart from the massive wound thing of course). It sounds like they've really landed on their paws with you! :D

Welcome to RU! :wave:
Congratulations on the arrival of your two gorgous fluffs....Well done on finding us lot on here and may you go on to find yourself totally besotted by bunnies and addicted to RU!!!!(and it WILL happen!!!!!!!!!):wave::wave::wave:
Thank you for all your lovely comments :D
Congratulations on the arrival of your two gorgous fluffs....Well done on finding us lot on here and may you go on to find yourself totally besotted by bunnies and addicted to RU!!!!(and it WILL happen!!!!!!!!!):wave::wave::wave:
I think i'm already addicted to RU :lol: it doesnt take long!
Hello and welcome! :wave: Gorgeous buns! :love:

Is it just me that thinks the first pic looks like a floating head?! :shock: :lol: