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Mama Doe

My name is Lindsey and I am a veterinary nurse from Hampshire. I have 5 cocker spaniels, a cockatoo, 15 rabbits and 6 guinea pigs.
Hi Lindsey :wave: and 5 :shock: cocker spaniels :wave: cockatoo :wave: 15 rabbits and 6 guinea pigs. :shock: :shock: :wave: :lol: thats a huge family you have :lol: :lol: are you teaching your cockatoo to speak :wink: :?:

Hope you enjoy the forum and have fun chatting bunny :wink: :D
Hello and welcome!

Bet some of your babbies are rescues, huh?
Hi, yes the cockatoo called Frankie is just starting to speak he can manage his name, hello and pretty boy at the moment but he is only 5 months old.

Yes a few of the bunnys are rescue, one I only acquired last week. I'm always a sucker for a little rabbit that comes to the surgey and then the owners can't afford treatment, so its often either I take it or euthanasia :cry: . Guess which one we go for! :wink:
Hi Lindsey! Have you got pics on your PC? If so, you can look up on how to upload your pics in the "forum Information" section. I really look forward to seeing pics of your furry and feathery family!
Pictures will be on here as soon as I have worked it out how to do it. Will readv the instructions again and maybe I will understand them this time. As you can tell I'm not very good with computers! :oops:
You haven't cracked it yet girl, I got an error message ... persevere 'cos we can't wait to see these pics. p.s. I'm also a bit of a luddite with the PC but found photobucket to be the easiest. Good luck and p.s. welcome. Whereabouts in Hampshire are you, if you don't mind..