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Alpha Buck
Hello, I just thought I'd introduce myself as have been finding the forum has lots of really helpful information.

I am owned by 2 beautiful Rex rabbits (from a rescue centre of course!), Cassie and Oakley, who have now taken over the dining room as their own.

Its nice to be reading about people who care about the welfare of their pets and want to give them a good life.


I have (hopefully) included couple of pictures of my bunnies.

This is Cassie, she is a real extrovert and spends lots of time on her hind legs being nosey, especially near to her meal times which is when this photo was taken!


Here is Oakley who is a bit less of an extrovert than Cassie but is still wants to be involved at anything going on.


They have been with me for around 2 months and am very pleased with them both.

Best Wishes
