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Hello!! I have a Lionhead/Conti Giant cross!

I have two lionhead cross lops, but your giant lionhead is absolutely stunning!
Looking forward to more pictures of him, he's just gorgeous. :love::love:

Thank you! I've just had a look at your blog! Your bunnies are gorgeous! What a lovely colour they are. I'm looking forward to getting Bobby neutered and then he might not poop on the sofa anymore!


Hope this works!

**faints with too much wantness.....**
Hello and welcome to you and beautiful Bobby.:wave::wave: :love:

You'll find loads of helpful advice and support on here.

Have fun.:thumb:
I think I also have a conti x lionhead

Myself and my partner decided to buy a couple of rabbits to go in our new garden. We went to the pet shop and pick the two biggest rabbits in there. (We have a big garden so size didn't matter) We were told that one of them might be a Conti x Lionhead. I have a picture of her at 12 weeks old and I would like your opinion. She weighs about 2.5 kg already (weighed at 16 weeks though)
hope the pic works

I've just joined. I have what I've been told is quite an unusual cross breed. Bobby is a lionhead/continental giant. Dad was the lionhead and mum was the conti. Do any of you have any unusual cross breeds?



The mind boggles... searches for photos.....

Edit: Found them. How gorgeous!! :love:
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Myself and my partner decided to buy a couple of rabbits to go in our new garden. We went to the pet shop and pick the two biggest rabbits in there. (We have a big garden so size didn't matter) We were told that one of them might be a Conti x Lionhead. I have a picture of her at 12 weeks old and I would like your opinion. She weighs about 2.5 kg already (weighed at 16 weeks though)
hope the pic works

That's definitely a conti-ish face :shock:

He's gorgeous. :love:
Beautiful :)

I have a conti lion head cross too.

This is her about 6 months ago


Not a very good picture, but she is the one on the left! She is a good size (she is now about 1 1/2 - she was a rescue).
Myself and my partner decided to buy a couple of rabbits to go in our new garden. We went to the pet shop and pick the two biggest rabbits in there. (We have a big garden so size didn't matter) We were told that one of them might be a Conti x Lionhead. I have a picture of her at 12 weeks old and I would like your opinion. She weighs about 2.5 kg already (weighed at 16 weeks though)
hope the pic works

Oh wow!! How beautiful!!

Looks just like Bobby did at that age just with a bit less of a mane. She definitely has the face and ears of a conti. So stunning. :love::love: