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Hazel Bun


Wise Old Thumper
Hazel, arriving here was an accident....we took your mum not knowing she was pregnant, you and five others were the result.

We lost two and almost lost your brother.

Two sets of twins, gorgeous and utterly devoted to each other.

We lost Lucky suddenly last year, not long before Christmas and I worried about you. You and Lucky were two soulmates fortunate enough to be brother and sister.

January this year you developed EC, not long after your birthday in fact, preparing for the long haul I set up heat pads, vet beds, panacur, porridge oats the lot, I was expecting you to go the same way as Stripes did but you held your own.

Hind leg paralysis got you down but you fought so hard and regained much of your movement, right to the extent we were happy enough for you to live back outside in your house :D

I already knew you weren't going to make it through this winter, despite extensive (and expensive!) treatment, you'd lost all your weight and your immune system was virtually non existant. We'd spoken to Claire our vet who loved you and we agreed that come the end of November we'd set you free.

Recently though, although you weren't putting on the weight, you had a new lease of life about you, you were actively seeking my touch and were more enthusiastic about the others being around but sadly it was short lived....

The first Fox we've seen locally in over 15 years had to choose my garden for his meal :cry:

Over the fence he came, spied you and thought yes please.....only you weren't fast enough to get away and hide, the one time you've really needed your legs and they let you down :cry:

I am so sorry little girl, maybe if I'd been just a little earlier you've have been tucked up in bed.

Maybe I could have prevented it I don't know, I just know I'm going to drive myself mad with the 'what ifs'

I love you more than the world little girl, you've been the main focus of my day since january, everything revolved around you :cry:

I am just so so sorry Hazel, I know I can't bring you back but I can wish myself dead instead

Five, all too short, wonderful years we've had together, we've had drama, laughter and tears. We've wondered what our future held together and worried about the past.

I will never ever regret the day you burst into my life or the drama you've caused ;)

I love you little girl. I hope Lucky was waiting with open paws for you and I hope you're happy to be back with him again :)

Pass my love to the rest of our family and wait for me sweetheart I'll be there in the blink of an eye my darling. :cry:

I love you my little fighter, don't ever forget that :love:




From saturday
So sorry for your sudden loss Gem :( You wrote her a lovely tribute, it sounds like you enriched each other's lives so much.

Binky free beautiful Hazel