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Hamster mites and Rabbits


Mama Doe

My parents have 5 chinese hamsters. On Monday 2 of them had been fighting and one of them was badly hurt. I help get it out of the cage with a inner of a toilet roll. I did not touch the hamster. The another hamster came out to see what was going on and :shock: , it had fur missing round its nose, eyes and part of it's back and the skin really red. I helped clean out cages. Then it hit me, what if whatever is wrong with them can be transfered from them to me to my Bunnie. I washed my hands lots when back to my flat threw clothes in washing machine and jumped in shower. I did not wash my jacket that I was wearing at the time. Now Bunnie lives me and boyfriend at his flat. Today Hamsters went to vet, vet says most probably mites and has given droplets. Also parents asked vet about my situation. vet said there is minimal chance of me passing them on, as I did not touch the hamsters and i washed my hands only 2 out of the 5 hamsters have mites as far as can see at the moment and only 1 of them got it bad. Vet reckons mites was most likely in wood shavings which is only ever bought from Pets at Home, and this was said by the vet within pets at home. I have not yet been over to my other halves thought best if stay away until find out what it was and what chances are. Any one had any experience of hamster mites and does anyone think I can relax now and go home to my other half and our little girl "Bunnie"?
I know nothing about hamster mites, but some types of mites are species-specific.
We got mites on our guinea pigs at school once, but we were told the rabbits would not be affected.
It would depend on the type of mites I think.
My hamster got mites and I got stuff to treat her, to be on the safe side I bought stuff to treat all my rabbits too. No problems occurred all clear!