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Freddy, Our inspiration

another one in tears here...although they are not so much tears of sorrow as of being overwhelemed by how much you and Freddy gave each other. I'm sure he is thinking of you with as much love as you think of him.
What a beautiful and moving tribute. I am in tears after reading it.

Sleep tight Freddy... you were very much loved. xx
I haven't been in RB for a long time but felt the need to search for this old thread. In recent days I have been thinking of Freddy a lot, I have no idea why :? He has been gone over 2 years now, longer than he was with us but what he taught us will be with us forever. Freddy was such a special boy :love::love::love:
I haven't been in RB for a long time but felt the need to search for this old thread. In recent days I have been thinking of Freddy a lot, I have no idea why :? He has been gone over 2 years now, longer than he was with us but what he taught us will be with us forever. Freddy was such a special boy :love::love::love:

aww freddy:cry: gone but certainly will never be forgotten:love::love::love: hugs x
I wasn't RU at the time, but Freddy was the first bunny you lost after I found out about Rainbow Rabbits. Such a special boy, looks very happy bobbing about and with Tegan on your DVD. :love:
I haven't been in RB for a long time but felt the need to search for this old thread. In recent days I have been thinking of Freddy a lot, I have no idea why :? He has been gone over 2 years now, longer than he was with us but what he taught us will be with us forever. Freddy was such a special boy :love::love::love:

I'll never forget this thread, made me completely tear up, cried for ages, he was a truly special boy. Binky free gorgeous little one! :cry: x