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Fondent needs a Home!


Warren Scout
Fondent is an adorable male rabbit, recently neutered (four days ago) and came into rescue as a Christmas chuck out.
A friend of the family had so kindly(!) got a 3 year old child a young rabbit who got bored within a week.
The owners handed him in, cried lots of crocodile tears and then mentioned on her way out that she was going to get her kid a puppy instead. :x

He is a dwarf lop of about 5 months old and a very cheeky boy. He is easy to handle, but typically of a young buck, sprayed me good and proper in the eye the day before he was neutered...ahhh! He loves me! :lol: He has not done this since his little op.

If anyone can offer this boy a home with another female bunster to hop around with, please let me know. He will need to be kept seperate for at least a month to ensure that he is infertile, or alternatively he can be reserved and held at the rescue whilst he waits.
Ideally the female rabbit should be spayed regardless.

Emma (Furry Friends Animal Rescue)
Tel: 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371
Email: Adrs@aol.com
what colour is he? and is he a big dwarf lop or a small dwarf lop?

Im in the process of neutering the 3 girlies of my group of 5 does that need doing. and am then moving them all to there new house of a 6x4 shed with attached run.

when are all settled i want to get them some husbuns
Fondent is a chunky Dwarf Lop. Just under the size of a standard rabbit.

He is mainly white with grey spots. There is probably a specific colour name for that! I will take a pic and post it up would be the best idea!
