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Fear from a traumatic memory


Warren Scout
Hi, my rabbits Jess and Timmy are indoors at the moment because when we had high winds a couple of months ago their double decker cage fell entirely backwards onto the ground during the night. Luckily they were stuck in the bedroom of the hutch unhurt. That day I brought them indoors so they've been living in a cage in our living room since then, but out most of the day.
Last night the winds were up and both started thumping and looking very alert and afraid, they did this a few times. We were just watching TV quietly which wasn't on loud and nothing very alarming or bright on the screen, no other noise and nothing out of the ordinary except the upstairs window was open and causing a noise and a bit of a draft, so I went up to close that. I think it was the noise from the wind that scared them.
I did plan on putting them back outside in the summer, moving the hutch and run to a more sheltered position or even putting them in a shed if I get round to fixing it and assembling it. I'm concerned they're going to be too afraid of the wind though.
Has anyone known a rabbit to remember something traumatic? I didn't think it would affect them this way, even though I can't sleep now on windy nights and even though they weren't hurt when I found them I was sobbing for quite a while!
I don't want to put them outdoors if they're going to be afraid on a night but I won't know it.
If you put them out when the weather's nicer the wind shouldn't be such an issue and they can gradually get used to it.
Is there a strong fence/wall you could put the hutch against to put your mind at rest?