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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Extremely smelly urine, very dark, query?


Wise Old Thumper
Hi Guys,

Sorry to be the member who only posts recently when there is something 'wrong' ?

Recently, past week or so, Biscuit is urinating a lot more, which isnt too concerning in itself, its been hot, humid etc and so he's been drinking more.

However, the urine is VERY dark and EXTREMELY smelly, like, vile!

I've made an appt for the vet, but unfortunately 'Gingers vet' isnt there at the moment, so need to go in armed.

Any comments appreciated :)
That was my idea, but knew someone would be able to clarify based on those symptoms :)

Thanks guys!
Poor Biccy...hope the vet visit goes well. :)
Mimzy sometimes gets this but our vet wasn't able to find anything wrong with his urine, however it will vary depending on what kind of veggies he's eating. He's also a pretty poor drinker unless he's on abx.

All the best vibes for Biscuit. xxxxxx
Cheers guys :)

He's not showing any outward signs of being ill, still very active, and i forgot to mention his diet is very much 10 SS pellets morning, 10 SS pellets evening and unlimited hay, all the same things he's had for ages, he doesnt get greens etc very often, as i'm not a veggie for bunnies person, he'll have a very rare piece of banana or strawberry but thats it!

Vet cancelled my appt due to an emergency yersterday which is fine, new appt later
I'd try and get a urine sample ready for the vet, means they can test for UTI straightaway rather than sending you home to collect one :thumb:
Just checking to see if there was any update on Biccy. :wave:
Hope all is well with you and yours, Gray. :) xx