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Doesn't like it outside?


New Kit
Hi :wave:
Bubba is a house rabbit, and has a cage indoors, which he sleeps in and stays in when he can't be supervises. He loves his cage, enjoys rearranging everything in it and always seems very excited when he gets to go back into it after being out.
He also has a large double decker hutch on our patio, which is attatched to a large run which we put on the grass in warmer weather. During the day while i'm at college and my mums busy about the house, he goes into the hutch & run with his hay and greens. Sometimes he will fly around the run doing crazy jumps into the air as if its the best place ever, but a lot of the time he will sit in one corner of the hutch, hunched up and seeming grumpy.
He never seems to sprawl out and relax like he does in his cage, so I wonder whether he really likes the outdoors that much. The bedding compartment in the hutch is well insulated and packed with hay, so it's not as if he's cold because he doesn't even sit in that part!
Just wondering what you think? I like to put him out there for some fresh air and more space during the day, but maybe he'd be happier just staying in the cage?
Thanks :)
Rabbits are like that, they will run around and go nuts for half an hour or so, then they will sit still for a couple hours. They don't sleep like humans, they just sit still and have a kinda of nap for long periods of the day.
Thanks for putting my mind at rest :)
I was just worried about how still he sits when he's in the run for so long, wanted to make sure he wasn't terrified of the outdoors or anything :lol:
Between 11 & 12midday my boys all groom, then from midday to 3pm they SIT - that's all they just sit (I like to think they're busy contemplating life, writing great works of literature in their little furry heads etc...) then by 3pm they start playing again! I could set my clocks by them.....