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Dodson and Horrell Chudleys rabbit mix...

Ive just bought a sack of this, it does seem so fresh and interesting to what I was using, I was using a mix of alpha herbal and excel, Im gonna start gradually introducing it:D
I feed it alongside Science Selective and my lot LOVE it, bowls cleaned in minutes :)

It smells lovely and I like that it has alot of variety for them.

Kath - I can let you have some to try if you want? I need to come and meet your piggies :)

Ooo yes please - Im doing well out of you for rabbit goodies at the mo :D
It is indeed Shedfeild I go to. If you know where the big animed hospital is then it is just further down the road. There are signs advertising fireworks just outside. :wave:

Cool thanks I'll have a look for this next time :D
If fact because we like the mix so well , we feed most of out animals a Dodsen and Horrell feed, assuming they make it for then ( don't do guinea pig food or rat food, and don't use the cat food :()

You can use Rabbit Royale for pigs, it's actually better for them than it is rabbits, just make sure you feed veg with plenty of vitamin C. As far as rat food goes there are not really andy commercially available foods that are good for rats so most owners go with either the Shumanite or Straights diet which you mix up yourself :wave: