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Do you think Scampi is ok??


New Kit
I have had a very poorly bunny over the last week and I wondered if anyone had any advice for me. He had gut statis and was in the vets for two nights and they allowed him to go home last Weds. We had two types of medication for him which we syringe fed Weds night but by Thursday morning he was cold, lethergic and bloated and I rushed him to the vets as soon as I could. He was allowed home again yesterday afternoon (Sunday) after 3 nights of IV drips, heat pads and syringe feeding. They think he may have had a hairball.

He was eating last night which was great but this morning he didn't seem to be very interested in his grass and pellets which he normally bounds down at the rate of knots! My husband and I syringe fed his three different types of medications and then he ran off and hid (obviously not happy with us).

I have had to come into work and am sitting here worrying about him in case we have given him the medication wrong or something as he went downhill so fast after the meds on Weds. He seemed quite bright and hoppy this morning and very squirmy when we were trying to syringe feed him but I am just so worried about him.

I think he is still going to the toilet but I have Fudge as well so it's hard to monitor who is pooing and who isn't etc but I saw him on the toilet tray last night.

Any advice on similar problems and how long it took for their bunny to get back to normal again would be most appreciated.
Is there any way you could check on him at lunchtime?
GI Stasis is often a secondary symptom. 'Hairballs' tend to be part of the secondary symptom, not the primary problem.
What medication has your Rabbit had? Do you know if pain relief was given?
It is important to know what his faecal output is like as really that is the best indicator of his gut function aside from abdominal examination.

Did the Vet check your Rabbits teeth? Obviously any dental problems will cause anorexia which in turn will cause reduced GI function.
The fact that the problem appears to be ongoing makes me think that thus far the symptoms are being treated but not the primary cause.

I hope your Bun recovers soon
Hi there, thanks for your reply. I will be home earlier than normal today so can check on him then. I can't get back for lunchtime as I have an important hospital appt myself but I will ask my husband if he can nip back.

Scamps was definitely pooing last night albeit it the pellets were smaller than normal. He has definitely been to the loo wee wise this morning as well as he missed the tray! I know that was him as he does this a lot and is much messier than Fudge is.

The meds he is on are Zantac, a gut stimulant and Baytril which is the antibiotic. The vets checked his teeth and mouth for ulcers and I understand they are giving him Zantac for possible stomach ulcer. They x-rayed him and couldn't see anything other than gas which has now completely dispersed. They gave him recovery powder and also pineapple juice for possible hairball. They would have opened him up if he hadn't have perked up and started eating etc again but didn't want to do this particularly as it was a last resort move.

I am not sure if they gave him any pain relief but I am guessing yes. My vets are a very good rabbit vets and I am lucky for that as a lot of them aren't. I am waiting for a call from the vet as he wanted me to update him today and I am guessing if Scampi goes downhill again it will be because, like you say, there is another cause of him being ill. The vet said his gut sounds were back to normal yesterday which is good as it means it is moving again at least.

He was running about this morning (they have the run of the whole garage) but he just didn't seem interested in his grass or pellets this morning. They have access to an entire hay bale which they munch on lots and he was eating that last night as well as greens, kale, carrots and cauliflower.