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derek has a lump


Young Bun
A month ago we notice a very small lump under the skin by his shoulder, it was that tiny i thought it could be a bump or a graze . But the lump has got a bit bigger and i'm now starting to worry. He 's def going to the vets but would like to hear if anyone else has had this.
It is very hard to say what it might be without seeing/feeling it. If the lump is growing then it could be an abscess. If it is VERY hard then it could be a Fibroma (BENIGN growth). Is it painful to him if you touch it?? Is there still fur on it? Does he keep licking it? Affraid there are just so many reasons for a bun to develop a lump the list of 'guesses' would be endless and would probably only worry you even more!! Best to get him to the Vets and get any problem sorted out quickly. Please let us know how Derek gets on. Jane and Buns xx
Did it happen about the time of an injection? It's possible that could cause a little abcess to form. On the positive side as far as lumps go the shoulder is a good place to have one :) There isn't as much going on there as some other places so if it needs removing it should be easier. There is also no chance it's realated to teeth/jaw abcesses and it's in a handy place to treat not tucked out the way :)

Do let us know what the vet says :)

Derek went to the vets today,it maybe a infected hair follicle. It may get bigger which may need to be removed but for now its nothing to worry about :) and the vet was rather dishy too :wink: .