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Dental buns - fibre in their diet

do cut out the porridge and go for the highest fibre pellet you can get (excel lite, science selective & it might be worth while seeing if you can get her on to oxbow t). If you are watering down her pellets you might be able to sneek some extra fibre in. I don't know if this would work but you could try chopping up hay or barley straw and adding to the watered down pellets. You could use scissors or it might possibly get chopped up very fine in a food processor.

Growing grass for her is a very good idea. If you've got a greenhouse or cold frame try growing 14-28 large pots with grass. Give her one pot a day and then replace which will give you two weeks to a month for it to grow back.

Pasley is a high fibre veg as is many of the non cultivated leafy stuff like:

strawberry/raspberry/blackberry/black current leaves
lemon balm, thyme, rosemery, lavender, mint
apple, pear, willow & beech leaves

you could create yourself a nice garden and give her lots to eat at the same time.

The only other thing I guess you could consider is molar extraction. It's not without risks and they do sometimes grow back but if the spurs are only on one side it might be worth considering (obviously only if your vet does the procedure & agrees that it would be worth it in her case)