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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Cleaning Bunny Noses


Alpha Buck
I just went to see little Lily and her nose is all crusty - she had hay suck UP the nostril part as well :( :( she has sneezes a lot but we think it is hay fever, I want to 'bathe' her nose to get the discharge off but I know that I have to be careful with their breathing

Is ok to soak cotton wool and bathe her nostrils to stop things sticking to her or shall I wait till I see the vet (weds) poor girlie
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If I were you I would get her to the vets asap. They can go downhill fast if it is an infection.
It's not an infection she has always been sneezy it's not changed per se I just feel for her bless her i'll give it a little wipe later I just wanted to know if their little noses are ok with bathing
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It will be fine to bathe her nose.

Our bridge Bunny Earl managed to get a piece of hay stuck up his nose once:shock: we managed to get it out of his nose:shock: and he was fine after that.

Hope she improves soon

be creful it isnt snuffles or if its crusty ring worm (not a worm per se but an infection) i would get to vets to double check x