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Cat on the road


Wise Old Thumper
On my way to work this morning there was a cat dead in the middle of one lane of the dual carriageway. I would normally have stopped to move the poor thing off the road, but it was my first day at my new job and I was already running late, so I made the split second decision to leave it there.

I've felt awful for the rest of the day. After such a horrible death, the least it deserved was to be moved and its body respected :cry:

I'm so sorry pussy cat, and so sorry to your poor owners, who no doubt are right now wondering where you are :cry: Have fun at the bridge xx
auw poor kitty

I always feel a bit upset whenever I see a cat on the roads as I think about my 2 and how heartbroken I would be if it was one of them :(
auw poor kitty

I always feel a bit upset whenever I see a cat on the roads as I think about my 2 and how heartbroken I would be if it was one of them :(

Exactly, I would want to think that if it happened to my mum's cats, heaven forbid, someone would move them off the road.
Poor thing. If you can remember what it looked like, keep an eye out for 'lost' signs matching it's description, so you can let the owners know.
I'm so sorry. :cry: Please don't blame yourself. I know it sounds cruel but I wouldn't have risked my life to remove a dead cat from a dual carriageway. I love cats and have two of my own and it must be awful for the owner not knowing where the cat is but I don't think there's anything you could have done. :(
Poor little thing, I saw one on the middle of a roundabout, it had obviously climbed off the road and died :( I'm glad my kitty stays indoors, I would be gutted if anything happened to her.