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Can you have 2 rabbits in nero 4?

For the price of that cage you could probably pick up a dog crate and a puppy pen to section off some of a room :)

I think its too small :) x
11-09-2008 05:24 PM
lotsofsmoggies I don't have any indoor cages but is all I can say at this thread.

I would have rather you spent your money on a dog crate and added shelves, did you look on ebay or your local ad paper? It would have been so much better for your buns.

Why are you shocked, I did mention that it was for short term (about 2 weeks). I have now sorted out another hutch for outdoors. The cage for my indoor rabbit is a very big one and I have my rabbit in the cage while my dog is indoors, while she is outside the rabbit has free run of the house at least 4 hours per day.
Why are you shocked, I did mention that it was for short term (about 2 weeks). I have now sorted out another hutch for outdoors. The cage for my indoor rabbit is a very big one and I have my rabbit in the cage while my dog is indoors, while she is outside the rabbit has free run of the house at least 4 hours per day.

Must of missed the short term bit, sorry. More haste, less speed.