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Can Annabelle have lots of vibes please updated post 16

shes still not eating although I did manage to get some recovery in her. shes had a snuggle with henry but ive had to put him back outside!

:( don't like poorly annabelle, shes cute to me, but I want my feisty bum back x
shes still not eating although I did manage to get some recovery in her. shes had a snuggle with henry but ive had to put him back outside!

:( don't like poorly annabelle, shes cute to me, but I want my feisty bum back x

Cant you bring them both in?
yeah thats what the vet said it could still be Amy, if I can get her eating, we'll hopefully be able to know more.

I can't bring him in as they poo the same so i won't be able to tell if she passes anything. Plus he eats all the food. I don't like to split a bonded pair but I really cant.
Sending vibes for Annabelle xx

n.b. some buns stop eating at the slightest spur on their molars, so could still be dental.

oh and aswell, the vet has been monitoring her molars as she had a slight hook on the same tooth last check up. They said however that it wasn't causing any issues at that point x
hey everyone, she seems to be back to her bubbly grunty mean self lol.

Im so happy to have her back :love:

still monitoring her, however she's back out with Henry now, they were seperate around 12 hrs, and ive never seen two bunnies so happy to see eachother :love:

thanks everyone x